chapter 13

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Suga was again approached by one of the butler he quickly first went to his parents who were still suprised by what happened he made up an excuse and left quickly.

Suga followed the butler the voice of music and chatters fading behind him with the distance as they went on.

The butler did not at all speak he quietly opened on of the door for him and asked him to wait.

The room was a study with a big table in the center with so many books and files in the room.

Suga didn't knew where to sit so kept standing his hand playing with the hilt of his sword the habit he had when he was anxious or worried.

"You should take a seat" Jimin voice rang in the room as he suddenly appeared behind Suga making him almost freeze the breath stuck in his throat.

Jimin quietly moved away now walking in front of him with small smirk, Suga felt very agitated as he could tell jimin was just trying to mess around and making fun of him.

For a vampire like him Suga was just a toy to mess with,

"Why am I being called here your majesty? Suga quietly asked as Jimin frowned leaning against the table he just looked at him from head to toe.

Suga bite his lips in annoyance,
"I think we are very clear on that and I think you are wise enough to know why you are here and please rest those formalities I do not prefer those fancy titles" Jimin said to him.

"Here" Suga said as he rolled his sleeves presenting his wirst infront of Jimin for a minute there was a dead silence in the room until Jimin burst out laughing.

"What are you doing?" He asked as Suga looked at him confused.
"You want my blood right?' Suga said to him as Jimin nodded.

"I do but not from the wirst of yours" Jimin said as he walked towards Suga
Suga did not knew what about this man made him..feel so..scared? He did not know.

"Before your blood I want to know why were you dancing with another guy min Yoongi?' Suga shivered at the cold tone its been a while someone had called him from his brith name so intimately
Jimin looked serious all the humor had long left his face.

"W-what?" Suga asked him feeling confused.
Jimin stopped right few inches apart him
"You are not allowed to dance to with someone else Yoongi, did you get that?" Jimin said making Suga frown.

"Why should I listen to you? I can dance with whoever I want!" Suga said to him as Jimin grabbed his wirst pushing him against the wall making him wince.

"You do not speak to me like that love
I absolutely hate when someone else touches what's mine even if you are merely a feeder but you then also you belong to me" Jimin said against suga's ear making his leg weak he pushed Jimin away harshly taking out his sword pointing it at him.

"S..stay away from me!" Suga yelled at him his eyes slightly red from anger.

"The last thing you should do is raise a sword against me but you don't get it, do you?" Jimin said.

"I had enough of your nonsense no one can tell me what to do, not even you" Suga said but Jimin was suprised he did not at all feel annoyed or angry it was the very first time someone had talked to him like that but he was finding it very amusing.

"You should be punished for raising you sword against me I don't dare tolerate someone going against me, not even you I have warned you already, now if you don't want to be punished put that rusty sword down" Jimin demanded his tone left no room for argument it was firm and chilling filled with rage.

Even though Suga was internally screaming as he knew he wasn't strong to fight him but willingly agreeing to him was even worse.

"No!" Suga said to him.

"I warned you" Jimin said as his eyes started glowing red making Suga a bit scared he tried to step back but couldn't.

"Freeze" Jimin commanded as Suga's body totally froze on its own.

The sword fall from his hand with a loud clank on the floor as Jimin stepped closer Suga could breath see..and feel but he could not move.

Jimin traced his cheeks gently looking into those cat like eyes his fingers tracing his lips Suga glared at him.

"Jimin slowly open suga's  coat making it fall on the ground he was having a great time teasing him but Suga wasn't taking it good he was shivering all over struggling to move.

"Struggling?" Jimin whispered as he open the button of his shirt revealing the pale skin underneath the marks from before had almost faded making Jimin frown.

"You belong to me, those marks shouldn't fade" Jimin said thoughtfully the more Suga heard him the more he wanted to punch this guy.

When Jimin pulled him closer by the waist Suga was almost breathless the smell of cologne and rose hit him.

He was very very close Suga heart was pacing very fast he was afraid people can hear his heart beating miles away from.

Jimin pulled the shirt down to his shoulder his fangs tracing the warm skin making Suga tremble as he felt a piercing pain on his shoulder...the grip kept tightening as Jimin pulled him closer and closer.

He was able to move himself but he did not had the strength to struggle he hold jimin's shoulder for support if he wasn't holding him so tightly Suga knew he would  have passed out.

"You are mine, so don't you dare dance with someone else" Jimin whispered into his ear as Suga close his eyes his face looked pained.

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