chapter 20

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Jimin was held back by the people they can't even leave an opportunity to pull him in discussion it was very important so jimin focused on their words with Victoria by his side she seems to have changed alot.

She was quieter and did not complained about anything at all Jimin liked when she was like this.

"You look nice" Jimin complimented as she blushed and smiled at him happily.
"Thank you" she said.

Jimin went back to the discussion he could feel suga's faint smell in the air as he inwardly smiled.

Jimin felt a warmth like never before his fingers were tingling to hold him he was hiding a smile waiting quickly to just get to his side.

Aron quickly left after the dance saying he needs to check something Suga asked him but he left in a hurry.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked as he saw Aron almost rushing away.
"I..don't know?" Suga said.
"Were you rejected?" Taehyung said as Suga nudged him.

"Put some brain in your work" Suga said.
The music and chatters was too much for suga so he went out for a walk the place was so huge that Suga ended up being lost in a random hall.

"Wh..were am I?" Suga said annoyed.
Suga looked around for someone when he saw someone coming towards him he was about to ask that person but he was suprised to see Victoria...

He heard never seen her from this was very beautiful but didn't seems much happy to see him.

"So you are the one?" She scolded looking very disgusted Suga didn't knew what was she saying.

"Excuse me" Suga said as he was about to turn away to leave two guards blocked his way.

"What is the meaning of this?" Suga asked her narrowing his eyes.

"Don't you think you are getting ahead of yourself? You are a fucking human and you dare to interact with the king my husband!" She yelled at him.

Suga was suprised by her outburst he didn't knew why hearing the word husband  ached his heart...

"You got it wrong" Suga said to her.
"Who are you fooling?" She said glaring at him.

"Leave this place I never want to see you around him or else!" Victoria warned him as Suga glared.

"Else what?" Suga said taking out his sword.
"I don't know what's going inside that skull of yours but you aren't thinking straight, now get out of my way!" Suga warned her.

"No wonder he likes you..." Victoria whispered which Suga didn't heard.
"What?" Suga asked her.

"Capture him!" Victoria ordered as the guards moved forwards Suga had a tight grip on his sword as he fought with them effortlessly...

"Is that all you have got?" Suga said looking at all those guards groning on the floor.

" how could you!" Victoria said
"Let me..your highness" a guard appeared from behind Victoria.

"You are finally here" Victoria smirked.
Suga could tell from far itself that guy was a high grade vampire.

"You would be a delicious meal" he licked his lips making Suga disgusted.
Suga didn't knew what to do but he held his sword steady.

Suga was having a hard time fighting that guy off he was too powerful and he was having fun playing with him.

"Finish him off before someone comes in" Victoria yelled at him.

Suga's sword was knocked out of his hand landing on the ground with a loud thud as Suga looked at the guy shocked.

"Now" he said licking his lips as Suga stepped back.

Suga closed his eyes when the man reached out only to hear a loud scream very piercing and painful scream.

Suga open his eyes only to see that guy hand being cut off Aron firm back stood in front of Suga his eyes glowing deep red he looked like he wanted to kill.

"A..aron?" Suga whispered.
"My lord I couldn't found you anywhere" he said his voice cold as he glared at Victoria.

Suga was worried for aron..he literally cut of that guys hand.

Hearing the scream  several footsteps approached  them Victoria covered up her angry expression acting panicked and scared.

Jimin appeared with several ministers and guards following closely.
Jimin eyes directly went to Suga who was behind aron.
Jimin's eyes narrowed as he looked at him then at the guy screaming loudly.

"What happened?" Jimin asked harshly
"I..I don't know we were attacked..!!" Victoria cried hugging Jimin almost making Suga throw up.

"We?" Jimin asked as the people chatted loudly behind him.
'my son!" Suga's father approached Suga but aron stood firmly in front of him making Mr min confused.

"Is everything fine?' suga's father asked Suga too was confused what was happening.

"Who attacked?" Jimin yelled his veins visible in anger the whole place had turned cold and dark.

"It..was mr min son I was walking back to my room..and..and he suddenly said I should not marry you..and If I didn't leave your side he will kill me..!" Victoria cried as everyone grasped.

"No way...!!"
"How could he say that?!'

"My lady are you okay?" One of the minister asked her as she sobbed pitful anyone would be fooled looking at her pitful apperance.

"Yeah...I feel sorry for those guards who tried to protect me..but got hurt.." she said sniffing.

"Is it true?" Jimin asked Suga who felt a burst of anger and his heart.

"No I never said anything like that" Suga defended.
"Then why were you following me?" Victoria questioned him as everyone stared at Suga thier whisper too loud.

"I was only looking for some Air when I got this place and how would I even know you were going to your room?
Beside look at clothes of those guards they belong to c grade those guards aren't under my command I have no reason to even interact with them how could I possibly asked them to hurt you?
And what will even get by hurting you?!
Beside there are much better ways to do that why would I choose such an occasion where everyone is right around the corner? I am not as dumb as you to predict the time you will leave the ball
To choose a place so close to the ball to attack you..and If I attacked you then why aren't you even scratched and why are they on the ground?" Suga asked her as everyone also founded the situation a bit too suspicious.

"I..i how would I's so dark and.." Victoria didnt knew how to defend herself so she started crying saying she didnt knew what was going on and she was just scared.

"Capture all of them!" Jimin ordered at once looking at Suga with slightly narrowed eyes.

Suga didn't spare jimin a glance as aron check him from head to toe.
"You look bad" Aron said wiping gently the blood from suga's cheek who felt his cheeks heating up.

" I?' Suga asked confused when his gaze met jimins heated gaze he froze.

"End the ball and make sure everyone is send off to their manor safely" Jimin said as he left with Victoria.

Suga took a breath he didn't knew he was holding..Suga was suprised that aron cared so much about him..if he hadn't appeared today Suga didn't knew what he would have done.

But...when suga was leaving he..didn't knew why he was expecting it to be Jimin..and not Aron.

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