Chapter 2

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Suga rushed home as he ran towards the dining room  he saw his parents already seated at the dining table, the dinning area was illuminating with the  decorative candles and  fresh blooming  Daisies and Iris flowers  and delicious mouth watering  food.

His mother was about to feed the last piece of the pie to his dad.
"W-wait!" Suga called out but it was too late the pie was already inside his father's mouth making him almost teary.

"My pie..." Suga said as his father noticed him.
"You are back!" His father said happily as he stood up giving Suga a hug his mom frowned at him.

"How many times have I told you to not stay at the palace until late at night?! Don't you know how dangerous it is!" Suga's mother scolded.

"Come on honey now...- his father tried to help Suga only to be shut up by his wife's glare.

"Don't make him more reckless then he already is, it's all your fault!" His mother said.

"Honey what did I do?" His father now rushed to his wife's side.

" it won't happen again." Suga said as he mother sighed she can't resist her son's pouty look.

"Sit down" she said as Suga smiled and hugged her,
"There is some pie for you left" she said making Suga smile.

"I love you mom!" He said kissing her on the cheeks as he took out the pie from kitchen eating it happily.

"How were things when I left?" Suga's dad inquire.
"Not bad a new batch of slaves arrived yesterday only, inspections are done they are sent to rehab for check ups" Suga said his dad nodded in understanding.

"Anything else?" His dad asked taking a bite of the steak as Suga paused for a moment.

"The minister said they want to talk to you about the coronation day personally the king order for you to see him soon" Suga said his dad took in a breath.

"You are right I am aware it is finally the time,the new king would be crowned" his father said.

"Shut it!you both,No business on dining table!" She scolded them both,as his husband nodded to his wife.

Suga was in his bed about to sleep when his door got opened by his father.
"I am glad you haven't slept" he said as Suga frowned.
"Shouldn't it be opposite?" Suga asked making him chuckle.

"I wanted to give you something before your 18 birthday, it's a very special present I found while on the trip" his dad said as Suga smiled excitedly.

"What is it?" Suga asked excitedly as his dad looked around a bit nervously
Then took out a box it was very old wooden box.

"Open it" his dad said  as Suga carefully open the small wooden box in which was a shining sliver dagger with intricate designs curved on it.

"It's beautiful...." Suga breath almost hitched at it.
"I know, don't show it your mom she will kill me" his dad said as Suga nodded.

"Why are you here can someone tell me?" Suga asked looking at Taehyung who was eating his breakfast on his chair.
"Mrs min cooks very delicious food so I am here" Taehyung said making his mother smile.

"It's okay let him be Suga" his dad said as Suga frowned siting beside Taehyung he didn't like when his parents shower someone else except him with attention.

"You should try these as well Taehyung" his dad said making Suga he saw Taehyung eating like there was no end.

"!!! Eat the whole DAMN table as well", Suga muttered under his breath.

"Don't curse under your breath it's not good,I can hear you" Taehyung said picking up a pastry as Suga's mother glared at him.

"I..didn't mom he is lying!" Suga defended  as Taehyung smirked.

"No cursing in the house you know it well Min Yoongi!" His mother said leaving to the kitchen as Suga glared at Taehyung.

"You know there is rumours all over about the prince have you ever seen him?" Taehyung asked nudging Suga who was ignoring him.

"No" Suga said annoyed trying to eat.
"How can it be? don't you spent most of your time in palace?" Taehyung asked.

"The prince quarter is on the top floor of the palace after 3 floor no one is allowed no matter what rank or status" Suga's father said grimly as Taehyung nodded.

"Is it really true that prince is very ugly that's why he doesn't comes out of his quarters and every night he takes out a slaves heart to drink from it?" Taehyung asked making Suga almost spit up the food he was having.

"That's disgusting!" Suga said as his dad chuckled, "i was curious!" Taehyung whispered with a sheepish look.
"No one knows maybe you will know on the coronation day it's only a week away!" Suga's father replied to him wiping his chin as he got up to leave.

"He kissed his wife and left" as Taehyung whistles at them.
"Your parents are too good, I getting that your dad must be a heart throb!" Taehyung said as Suga nodded.

"Yeah,Mom did told me that alot of people fancied dad and awaited for him in many balls and parties" Suga said remembering the talk.

"You are more like your mother though you look cute the way you are in the house.." Taehyung said pulling his cheeks.

"Get lost! Now that you are done eating" Suga said as Taehyung hide behind his mother.

"Aunt he is yelling at me!" Taehyung said making a innocent face that could make anyone weak except Suga who knew him too well,

"Suga honey why do you act like that with him, it's not like he is doing anything to you!" His mother scolded.

"I said I am sorry please!" Taehyung said he was literally wrapped around suga's feet who spare he no look.

"I don't care you have to finish all of the mentioned work today" Suga said plainly.
"You are heartless! It is impossible!" Taehyung said.

"I don't think so" Suga said as Taehyung sobbed.
"Please I won't tease you anymore!" Taehyung insisted as he was pulled apart from Suga by Aron who spared him a firm look making him flinch.

"Get to work" Aron said following after Suga.

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