Chapter 27 - Black and Grey

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Dear readers,

Hello there! It has been a while since I uploaded a chapter. Some of you may know that I have been in a bad health condition, along with a lot of school work. I hope you all understand the delay in this chapter.

Feeling better, I learnt that health and body are important in the long run in writing. It is like running a marathon. If you're gonna stay running, you can't keep running in fast and you will eventually lose your breath and fall behind.

Thank you for staying with me on this long journey and I hope I can finish season 1 soon!

And Happy 4th Anniversary!

~ Hoho

Chapter 27: Black and Grey

I am Indren — ruler of the void, holder of Origin of Dominance.

Many things happened to make me who I am.

But it doesn't matter anymore, with my current strength, I will create the world of my future sight.

Before that, nothing could stand against me.

Now playing: Buddyfight Champions OP 2 - "Ignite" by Hoho620

The dark grey dragonic beast fell hurriedly from the gigantic purplish gleaming gate, landing on the battlefield gently yet intimidating, leaving a small gap between his paws and the ground, dust rushing all over.

"You finally remembered who you are, I am glad," Aggravius spoke and sharpened his claws. "Embrace your true nature..."

Indren cut Aggravius' words and said with his calm violet gaze. "It doesn't change who I am."

"Or not..." Aggravius frowned.

The gate blinked near his right shoulder and cut down to his waist. Nevertheless, nothing seemed to happen to Aggravius' body. He then stared back at the grey dragon in a prompt sight, Indren explained:

"Your body has entered the void in and out in an eye blink, the portal closed after reforming your cut parts back together."

"This is the power of the void, I see, but not enough to destroy my vessel..."

"You will learn."

Indren reached into the portal he created, held the accumulated lights in his hand and released it. It went through the portal straight at Aggravius' head, the black dragon reacted quickly, obstructed with his arms and pushed forward. Indren raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You should have aimed directly at me, not giving me chances to counter your attacks."

Aggravius said with his widened eyes, stretched his claws at Indren and grabbed hard. A sudden shock went through Indren's body and the portals on both sides closed promptly. Indren held his chest and almost lost his balance.

"That was 'Death Wish', wasn't it? The target will experience death, giving immense pain in a prompt moment." Indren gazed back calmly.

"It is foreshadowing your future demise." Aggravius grinned sinisterly. "Perhaps now."

Death Wish
Worlds: Darkness Dragon World
Type: Spell
Attributes: Destruction, charge
-You may only cast this spell when you have a <Demise Dragon> on your field
[Call Cost] [Pay 1 life]
-[Counter] Put a monster from your opponent's field into the drop zone. Then, put the top card from your deck into your gauge.

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