Chapter 12 - Armorknight Bear Barnat!

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Chapter 12: Armorknight Bear Barnat!

Now playing: Buddyfight Champions OP 1 - "Champions" by Hoho

The sun was going down. Morihito, Kai and Kiyoshi were rushing around to find Kenji. But none of them saw him.

"Cmon...where could he be?" Morihito sighed.

"He is not here either." Kiyoshi looked around.

"Maybe he is in the room?" Kai thought.

"No, the lights are off. And no one is there. This is the time when everyone is preparing dinner." Morihito wondered.

"What was the last time you saw Kenji?" Kiyoshi asked doubtfully.

"Uhmm...I saw him leave the room when I was brushing my teeth in the morning." Kai tried his best to think of where Kenji went.

"I saw that too. But I haven't seen him since."

Morihito sighed. "The last time I saw him he was hiding in a group of people. You know, when you two were having a buddyfight, he seems to have gone on the hill over there."

Morihito pointed to the hill outside the window.

"It can be very dangerous if we go find him now." Kiyoshi reminded them.

"I agree. It is too dark to search for anything." Morihito said.

"What should we do now?"

"Kai, we will contact the teacher if he isn't coming back after an hour. So we can ask for help."

"In case the summer camp might end if he isn't coming back. The police will look for him." Morihito said.

"This means our vacation is ending...I just want to spend more time here! I hope he is fine." Kai said with frustration.

"I will go look for him. I trained my eyes in the dark when I was an ancient warrior." Xander suggested.

"That's a very good idea. Maybe Xander can find where Kenji is." Kiyoshi wondered.

"Are you sure you will be fine? Xander?" Morihito asked.

"Just leave it to me."

Xander flew and turned into his large form.


After that, everyone was waiting for Xander to come back to their room.

"Have anyone heard of a rumour about this island?" Kiyoshi asked.

"What is it?" Morihito said with a confused face.

"There was a monster like a bear that could not be captured since he hid in the forest."

"No way!" Kai was shocked by the rumour.

"Don't tell me Kenji would be captured by that monster..." Morihito did a facepalm.

"Whether it is only a rumour, we need to expect the worst scenario."

"We better save him now! There is still time before dinner!" Kai said.

"We have to wait until Xander reports back. The road is too dark for us." Kiyoshi said.

"I have doubts when I come to this island, is this place even safe for students? It feels weird." Morihito wondered.

Maybe I should look for Xander. He hasn't come back yet. Will he be fine?

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