Chapter 17 - Symbol of Hopeless, Excrucia

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Happy Birthday, Buddyfight Champions! 24/3

✨2nd Anniversary✨

I started my project on 24th March 2020

Time passed quickly and it is now two years old >: D

It has been 2 years since I started this project! Hopefully, I can complete the first season as fast as possible, cheers. :D



Author's notes:

Since I did a reboot on making the English characters' names (humans) into Japanese. There might be errors. Laugh at them if you find one! Please don't be shy to tell me. :)


Chapter 17: Symbol of Hopeless, Excrucia

Now playing: Buddyfight Champions OP 1 - "Champions" by Hoho

The gang handcuffed Morihito and his friends and brought them to a cave with moss and webs. All the traces of mankind disappeared once they entered after they spread the mysterious smoke around. They came to a round-shaped door in stone texture. By tapping a key card on the wall, it opened. There were twelve guarding the entrance with firearms abreast and a few controlling the panel. They walked through a long underground tunnel. Two of the guards led the gang to access the second gate.

"Where are you taking us to?!"

Kai didn't stop crying out since they got captured, hoping someone would hear their voices. A member twisted Kai's right arm slightly and he screeched in pain. Morihito and his friends felt guilty every time he screamed.


"Don't think you can do something wild here."

...I can't do anything in this state. Drago didn't respond for a long time. This is just weird. Morihito thought nervously.

This place could be soundproofed. The sound of the closing door didn't spread. Kiyoshi analysed.

We must find a way to get out of here. Now, Morihito and Kai's buddies are curbed. We lost the main forces of our team. Krieger sighed.

Morihito, Kai and Krieger looked at each other for a while, but not Kiyoshi.

He still doesn't look back to us, does he?

Morihito frowned and sighed.

It didn't take a while for the second gate to be unlocked. A gigantic region with a variety of facilities came into their vision, a majority of them are automatically functioning. Kiyoshi took heed to a colossal tower lying in the centre, whining with engine noises. The members were hinted to take Morihito and friends to various rooms. Abruptly, a member whispered into the guards' ears. They appeared to be astounded and confounded at first, but accepted it anyway.

"We have new orders. Send the red and green-haired ones to cells. You two, bring the arrogant kid to the observation room."

"Kiyoshi, we still believe in you!" Kai shouted out loud.

"Can't you be quiet for a second?"


"Very well."

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