Chapter 22 - A New School Club

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Chapter 22: A New School Club

Now playing: Buddyfight Champions OP 1 - "Champions" by Hoho

As the school bell rang, the students of Aibo Academy entered the campus.

"Aghhh-" Kai yawned. "Holidays ended after a blink, not to mention the chaos..."

"Well, here's the first day of our new semester." Kiyoshi explained.

"Yup, today going to be another long day. Time passes slowly when at school..." Kai said and stretched his arms in the air.

"Kai, the duration of day and night are fixed, there is no way the time passes differently. It is just your subconsciousness of not willing to engage in school, that makes you feel like school day is much longer than usual." Kiyoshi said after a soft giggle.

"What type of logic is that...?" Kai sighed.

"Don't worry Kai, school is not all about studying." Morihito reminded him.

"Oh yeah! Let's meet at recess, three of us." Kai said excitedly.

"Sure thing." Morihito smiled.

"That's great." Kiyoshi replied almost at the same time as Morihito.

"Alright, that's our classroom, see you soon, Mori."

"Bye, Kai." He grinned softly.


"You three are like best friends." Xander suggested after Morihito passed the classroom.

"Really? We didn't meet for long though."

"You will get closer to them when time passes by."

"Close friends..." Morihito whispered.

Last time, I and Xander got attacked by a black dragon, who claimed himself to be a demise dragon leader, Aggravius.

He showed no sign of appearance during these weeks.

However, I must not forget, that he can still attack us anytime.

That means if I am near Kai and Kiyoshi, I might drag them into unnecessary danger...

"Mori, what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, let's hurry up and get to classes!" Morihito replied with a soft grin.

"Alright, I will be waiting in your deck!" Xander said as he shrank into his card form.


Morihito stared at his teacher noting on the electric blackboard.

Drago Blade, Drago Lance, Power of Origin...

"Perhaps the answer is me to discover?"

I have no idea at all. The same question was stuck in my head for the past few days and weeks.

I didn't find anything useful on the Internet. Unrelated search results kept popping up on my screen - a mathematical equation of a circle, something called "w.r.t."."The power of origin of w.r.t. the circle of a focal chord"...I don't understand any of them.

It is like the thing I searched for never existed.

"3x squared minus 2y plus...equals to...and there we go..." The teacher murmured.

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