Chapter 1.5 - Learning the Rules of Buddyfight!

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Chapter 1.5: Learning the Rules of Buddyfight! (Reboot Special)

Now playing: Buddyfight Champions OP 1 - "Champions" by Hoho

I am Ancient Force Protector Dragon, Xander. A great warrior of the dragon race. In the past, I and the clan fought numerous evils to protect the world of monsters. And now, I am searching for a candidate from the human world to train with me...

Xander swallowed a piece of ham into his mouth and poured a bowl of miso soup in a flash.


The human world is absolutely heaven! But is it time for me to start the training?

Whatever training needs energy. No energy means no training! And no food means no energy!

"Yum...Thanks for the meal!!" He shouted out loud from his heart purely.

"You're welcome. Would you like to try this as well? Although I don't usually make it." Morihito gave him a warm smile.

"This is my favourite." He said while placing it on Xander's plate from his fry pan.

"What is this? It is so soft and fluffy." Xander toyed with it with his fork.

"Well. We add a favour into by..."

Morihito spilt the syrup on it lightly. Lastly, he sliced a piece of butter and let it melt on the surface, mixing with the sweet taste.

"Here you go, pancakes!"

"Now it smells really good..." Xander had his saliva falling from the corners of his mouth without a pause.

Something in the bottom of my heart tells me that all my hard work was worth this! Xander picked up his fork like a weapon with dazzling eyes and threw the pancakes into his mouth without hesitation.

What a feast! How do humans make these? They don't even exist in our world!


This is somehow nostalgic. It is like a taste of my old homeland. We used to make the soft bread taste better by dripping liquid sugar.

This was when the chef accidentally overcooked the sugar a bit before the feast started...


I wonder how they're going.

Xander stared at the empty plate reflecting on himself.

"Xander, can you teach me how to play Buddyfight?" Morihito asked.

Hmmm, he seems to be thinking about something...

"Ancient Force Protector Dragon, Xander?"

"Ugh! How many times do I have to tell you how to call me..." Xander roared but the volume got softer after.

"Oh wait, human, you said it right this time."

"Heh. Gonna make sure you can hear it." Morihito scratched his head lightly.

"Did you just say you want to learn how to fight?"

What a great time for training! Xander thought and smiled.

"Well, do you mind if I have a lot to ask?" Morihito questioned.

"Bring it on."

Xander closed his eyes and nodded.

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