Chapter 20 - Sunset

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Chapter 20: Sunset

Now playing: Buddyfight Champions OP 1 - "Champions" by Hoho

The doorbell rang, and the door was opened by a brown-haired man.

"Aye, Akira. How's it going?" Another waved and smiled at him.

"Night, senior Masumi! Please come in, make yourself here as home."

"Mr Kitagawa is here already?" A woman stepped out of the kitchen and rushed back. "I'm gonna hurry up..." She murmured.

What are those noises? is a guest. Who is he?

A much younger Morihito peeked behind the walls.

"Mori, don't be impolite. Come out and say hello!" Akira reminded him lightly near the dining table.

"I'm coming!" Morihito said shyly.

He looks older than dad.

"There he is." Akira smiled.

Morihito bowed softly at Masumi.

"He surely has grown a lot more than the last time I saw him." Masumi stared at Morihito with gleaming eyes. "He looks exactly just like you!"

"Dinner's ready!"

"Oh Mrs Amari, what a feast!" Masumi cried out in surprise.

Steaks, a jumbo size salad, a full-sized baked chicken, crabs, egg rolls, is going forever.

Morihito wondered and waited patiently with sparkling eyes.


"Congrats on the promotion, Akira."

"Wish for the success of the exhibition, senior Masumi!"

"Cheers!" Akira and Masumi drank a whole cup of beer.

"Dear, one more please!"

"You two, don't drink too much. Masumi needs to drive back home!"

"Ah no, I'm just going to call a taxi."

"But still..." Akio sighed.

"Mum, they aren't going to eat, are they?" Morihito whispered near Aiko's ears.

Akio shook her head and giggled lightly.

"Does dad know him well?"

"Your father and Mr Kitagawa are close colleagues and friends."

"Is he also a good scientist like dad?"

"They are like two greatest scientists with minds of genius."

"Syncing perfectly in melody."

"That's very impressive..." Morihito answered with slight astonishment while blinking his eyes, putting a roll of omelette into his mouth and peeping.

I wonder what kind of person Mr Kitagawa is...


Morihito's drago lance pierced into Masumi's chest and gleamed, close to the heart. His eyes remained shut. The darkness in his body was slowly vanishing, including his dark claws, horns and covered torso.

After the game system was disabled, all the visualised monsters and items disappeared in a blink.

The stage began to sink. Xander cut the rope on the wheels and put the hanged man away. Morihito approached the unconscious Masumi who lay on the floor. The tiny Xander jogged near Morihito.

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