Chapter 19

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The ninja team was outside the palace, training in the courtyard. Three days had passed since Kai was thrown into the dungeon, and although they were all beginning to worry about the red ninja, no one said anything about it out loud.

That was, until Jackson and Marcello suddenly came darting into the courtyard.

"Ninja, ninja!" Jackson gasped out. "Come quick!"

The five ninja stopped what they were doing. Exchanging glances, they hurried over to the two chefs.

"What's wrong?" Lloyd demanded.

"We-a were in the kitchen," Marcello panted.

"Cooking," Jackson added.

"Yes-a, and we-a heard it from the maids-a walking by!"

"I didn't believe it at first!" Jackson jumped in. "So we made a plan."

"Yes-a! While-a we were serving our-a next meal, we-a listened to-a the chatter of-a the room. And everyone was saying the same!"

"Indeed! And when I went to serve the king and queen, they were talking about it, too! This isn't just a palace rumor. This is the truth!"

Marcello pointed his finger at the sky. "It is-a upon us!" he shouted.

"Whoa, what's 'it?'" Cole asked.

"Yeah, what's everyone talking about?" Jay questioned.

"They're-a going to execute-a your friend tomorrow!"

"What?" the five ninja exclaimed in unison.

"The king said it himself," Jackson confirmed. "The ninja's gotta go."

The team looked at one another; shock and horror showed on each of their faces.

"No," Nya breathed.

"We can't let them do this!" Jay protested.

"Even if Kai did do it, he doesn't deserve to be killed," Cole agreed. "Not after all the good he's done for Ninjago."

"Especially without a fair trial," Zane interceded.

Lloyd gritted his teeth and balled up his fists. Locking up his brother was one thing, but executing him? That was too far. "That's it," the green ninja growled. Whipping around, he pushed through the chefs and stormed toward the palace.

"Hey, where are you going?" Cole called.

"The king and I are gonna have a little chat," Lloyd hissed back. "If I don't kill him first," he muttered to himself.

The green ninja didn't stop for anything or anyone until he reached the throne room. And when he did, he didn't hesitate to burst through the doors.

Alec and Chantria were murmuring to each other from their thrones, but turned at the sudden noise. Chantria smirked as she spotted Lloyd, while Alec rose to his feet.

"I didn't think you were invited, ninja," the king barked.

"Can it, Mr. High and Mighty," Lloyd snapped back.

The king drew back in surprise as the green ninja pounded toward them. "You know, I tried to like you," he continued scornfully. "I really tried. But you threw my brother in the dungeon, and now you want to kill him? That's not happening."

Alec sighed and waved his hand. "Guards," he called.

The guards advanced toward Lloyd, but the green ninja formed energy in his hand and held it up. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he hissed.

Flames of the Past #4: A Tangle of Lies (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now