Chapter 1

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"You've gotta be kidding," Jay gasped in awe.

"Talk about a step up from Shillvaron," Cole breathed.

Guards were guiding the ninja team through Trynia's kingdom town. The stone pavement underneath their feet was a gleaming shade of silver. Every building to their right and to their left was perfectly lined up together; not a thing looked out of place. They were built with similar silver and white stones with sparkling blue jewels scattered beautifully across their surfaces. It was as if they were built out of the palace itself. The town was quiet and peaceful; the bystanders walked silently along the sidewalks and the few carriages occupying the road, gleaming as brightly as the buildings, steered clear from the guarded group. The only children the ninja spotted acted properly, going about their duties without complaint.

If Lloyd hadn't liked Shillvaron, he completely despised Trynia. Everything seemed orderly and put together. He glanced around at the blue-clothed guards around them. He felt like a prisoner in their clutches. Were they there to provide protection? Lloyd found that hard to believe in that quiet town.

The palace was seated on a rocky hill. Waterfalls stretched down on each side of the cliff to the distant ocean below. The staircase leading to the huge palace was high and grand. The team trudged up it to meet an even grander silver gate. It was decked with gemstones and didn't creak the slightest when the leading guard opened it.

The courtyard was evenly paved, unlike Shillvaron, which had been open to long grass and tropical flowers. The palace was wide and shining, colored mostly gray and blue, but with accents of silver.

Beside Lloyd, Kai let out a low whistle. "Is it just me, or are you nervous, too?" he murmured.

Lloyd only grunted in reply.

Walking into the clean palace seemed like a crime. Their footsteps echoed off the walls and their reflections bounced up at them from the shiny floor. As the group of guards exchanged with a new posse, Kai used the quiet walk to collect his thoughts. It had only been a day since Garmadon's funeral, and although the red ninja still felt a weight on his chest every time he thought about his former sensei, he was able to pull himself together. He had cleaned himself up and held his head high. He knew Garmadon would want him to continue on with strength rather than force.

He glanced at Lloyd. The green ninja appeared as Kai would expect: emotionless and stone-cold. But ever since he had broken down before the funeral, Lloyd hadn't acted as snappy or angry as he had before, and Kai guessed that meant he was doing better, too.

Kai felt exhilaration rise inside of him as they came to the tall doors to the throne room. The first time he'd entered a throne room, he'd met the dazzling Ruby Princess—the most beautiful girl he'd ever met. And now, he knew, he'd meet her again. She was all that'd been on his mind since they started the journey to Trynia. After Shillvaron's palace burned down, Skylor had moved into Chester Sleete's kingdom.

Remembering the cheeky prince, Kai felt a simmer of disappointment, but he quickly shoved it away. He knew the princess would be happy to see him, husband or no husband.

The ninja team stopped in front of the three glorious silver thrones, padded with deep blue cushions. Seated on them were King Alec, Queen Chantria, and Prince Chester.

On the central and largest throne, Alec sat tall as he looked down at the ninja through piercing blue eyes. A bulky silver crown rested on his graying hair, complimenting his similar-colored outfit and dark cape. He held a silver staff out beside him.

Chantria dressed in the same style and colors, although her crown was smaller and her entire persona was much more graceful. Her eyes were also blue, and they had the same discriminating glint in them.

Flames of the Past #4: A Tangle of Lies (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now