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On a frigid evening in the Northern Kingdom of Shintaro, nestled amidst the rugged terrain of the mountains, there stood a magnificent manor fashioned from gleaming ivory.

The chill air seemed to dance around the grand structure, creating an aura of mystique that was only enhanced by the twinkling stars overhead.

Each star appeared as a tiny beacon of light, casting a mesmerizing glow that seemed to embrace the manor in its entirety.

However, amidst this celestial display, none shone as brightly or as captivatingly as the moon itself, which hung in the sky like a colossal pearl suspended in a vast sea of darkness, its radiant luminescence illuminating the landscape below with an otherworldly brilliance.

In a cozy chamber nestled within the grandeur of the manor, a soft glow emanated from a solitary source, casting gentle shadows across the walls.

Within this illuminated sanctuary, two figures were ensconced in a tranquil scene. The elder of the pair, a young woman, sat comfortably with a book cradled in her hands, while her younger sister, a cherubic six-year-old, nestled snugly in her bed.

The elder sister's voice took on a gentle cadence as she delved into the enchanting tale of Sleeping Beauty. Recounting the story of a slumbering princess, cursed by a wicked fairy, and the brave prince destined to awaken her with true love's kiss.

"The king and queen were very happy when they saw the handsome prince," Little [Name], nestled snugly under her blankets, clutched the fabric tightly against her chest, her eyes wide as she hung onto every word of the bedtime story.

"The Prince and Princess Married and Lived Happily Ever After,"

Astrid concluded the tale, she gently closed the book and placed it on [Name]'s bedside table, signaling the end of their night.

"Time for bed, [Name]," Astrid hoped to coax her younger sister into accepting the inevitable end of their storytelling session. However, [Name]'s reaction was not one of contentment but of protest, her lips forming a pout and her shoulders slumping in disappointment.

[Name] wasn't ready to bid farewell to the world of fairy tales just yet. With a pleading look in her eyes, she turned to Astrid and protested, "But I want to read more..."

Astrid couldn't help but smile at her sister's eagerness, her heart warmed by the innocence and enthusiasm that radiated from [Name]. Though it was time for rest, she couldn't deny her sister's request for a few more moments of enchantment before drifting off to sleep.

Astrid's gaze drifted wistfully toward the balcony, where the luminous moon cast its ethereal glow upon the world below.

With a soft sigh escaping her lips, Astrid turned back to her younger sister, her expression softened by the gentle light filtering through the room. "Alright, just one more story," she relented.

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