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The next morning, I cautiously opened my front door to check for any lingering signs of Lloyd.

Much to my relief, he was nowhere in sight. With a sigh, I closed the door, grateful for the absence of his unwelcome presence.

Glancing at my phone to check the time, I realized I had a mere 45 minutes before having leave work. Panic set in, "Shoot!" and hastily made my way to my room to prepare for the day.

Opting for a simple ensemble of denim jeans and a black top, "Love you," I kissed D/N goodbye before heading towards the door.

As the door swung open, I was greeted by my housekeeper, Miss Krista, a kind elderly lady whom I hadn't had the chance to know well in my previous life.

She welcomed me with a warm, wrinkled smile and inquired, "Off to work?" Setting her bags down, she awaited my response.

Putting on my shoes in a rush, I replied, "Yes, I'll be back around dinner, today. There isn't much to do or clean, just feed D/N and handle a few dishes." With that, I hurried out the door.

"Have a good day at work," Miss Krista bid me farewell.

Even D/N wagged his tail in a friendly farewell. A sudden warmth enveloped my chest, a feeling I hadn't experienced much in Shintaro or in my past life.

During my time in Shintaro, I had never truly felt cared for by others. While I had my mother, she was always occupied with work.

My father spent his days in Ninjago as a lawyer, dealing with criminals and ensuring their placement in Kryptanium Prison, leaving him with little time for me.

I've been a fool to only realize that I had people around who cared, and I guess it's time for me to acknowledge them.

"Thank you, Miss Krista," I whispered loud enough for her to hear and left for work.

I boarded the minivan assigned to transport me to work, following company policy. Today, Manager Lim and I were scheduled to meet with my new producer to discuss potential upcoming projects and determine my next significant career move.


The minivan glided through the city streets, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. As we neared the company building, the bustling streets of Ninjago City filled with people and vehicles became a blur outside the window.

Manager Lim glanced at me, noticing my slightly anxious expression. He offered an encouraging smile and said, "Don't worry, [Name]. This meeting is just to discuss possibilities, and I'm sure your new producer will be impressed with what you have to offer."

I nodded, appreciating his reassurance. The minivan pulled up to the entrance of the company building, and I stepped out with a sense of determination.

The familiar hustle and bustle of the entertainment company greeted me as I entered the lobby.

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