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I like to believe that I'm generally easygoing and don't easily lose my temper. People often describe me as a calm individual, as smooth as a river.

However, being observed like some exhibit in a zoo can be quite vexing.

Lloyd stood off to the side, scrutinizing my every move. It felt akin to being observed by a cat preparing to pounce. Concentrating became increasingly difficult, but I didn't let it affect my work ethic.

However, others weren't the same.

Once, Lloyd and I entered the elevator to head up to one of the auditoriums for rehearsals. Suddenly, everyone around us abandoned their tasks and gathered around the Green Ninja.

As if that wasn't enough, when we actually began our work, the dancers were noticeably distracted by Lloyd. Accidental missteps, collisions between dancers, and other awkward moments unfolded, which was particularly embarrassing given that we were all seasoned professionals.

At one point, two male dancers had to lift me off the ground, and a female dancer slipped, causing a chain reaction that led us to tumbling down onto the wooden floor.

By this point, the dance choreographer had had enough. "Everyone, get a grip! Ugh, just take a break," he exclaimed, shaking his head as he walked away in frustration.

With a groan, I made my way to the edge of the stage and casually sat down, grabbing a cold water bottle from the cooler. I couldn't help but acknowledge our luck in having Lloyd around.

Had it been any other day without him, we would undoubtedly have been on the receiving end of some stern reprimands. I'm surprised that no one kicked him out of the room.

"Is being an idol hard?" I turned to my side, only to discover Lloyd. I met Lloyd's gaze, contemplating his question. The studio's hustle and bustle was definitely different from the grueling training that a Ninja does.

"Well," I started, carefully selecting my words, "being an idol comes with its own set of challenges. The continuous scrutiny and pressure can get quite overwhelming."

I glanced around as some dancers engaged in playful banter, and with a slight smile, I added, "Everyone in this room has dedicated themselves to refining their skills to reach this level."

"Though the settings may differ, there's a similarity to the training of Ninjas." Lloyd nodded in understanding."I don't think I'd be able to survive," he chuckled, releasing a breath.

I couldn't agree more. Lloyd was never a skilled dancer. He had a tendency to trip over his own feet, especially during our celebrations after significant victories.

I vividly recall the time he challenged Cole to Dance Revolution at the arcade and ended up losing quite spectacularly.

"Alright, let's start from the top!" The dance choreographer signaled for everyone to get into position. I rose from the floor and headed to the center, while Lloyd returned to his seat to watch.

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