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The Ninja collectively sighed, their breaths heavy with exhaustion after a grueling training session. Ordinarily, such exertion would invigorate them, but today felt different, taxing their bodies more than usual.

Since dawn, they had been immersed in drills and exercises, a routine that stretched into the early afternoon. The instigator behind this early start?


At daybreak, Lloyd had rallied them from their beds, insisting on revitalizing their skills. Their training locale, the rear of the tea shop, lacked the familiar presence of Master Wu, who typically oversaw their sessions.

His absence wasn't happenstance; he had deliberately stepped back, allowing his nephew to practice teaching. Not sipping on some tea leaves that he had ordered from Mystake.

Lloyd had begun his Sensei training, a legacy he pursued following the path of his father, uncle, and grandfather. However, he still had a long way to go to achieve that title.

Kai slouched, drained of energy; Cole sprawled on the ground, utterly spent; Jay swayed unsteadily from fatigue, while Zane diligently tended to his mechanical components, his gears requiring frequent oiling.

"Why does [Name] have to work?" Jay grumbled, voicing the collective sentiment.

In [Name]'s presence, Lloyd's demeanor underwent a drastic transformation. He seemed to hang on her every word, akin to a devoted golden retriever—not because of his hair color, but due to his unwavering attention. He exhibited a more lenient attitude whenever she was around.

However, in her absence, the Lloyd familiar to [Name] was far from the Lloyd the boys knew. He shed his amiable disposition, becoming relentless and driving them tirelessly. Kai nodded in agreement, reflecting, "Remember when it was us training him?"

Zane set the oil can down. "We can't fault her for prioritizing her career," he stated. Prompting another weary sigh from Kai. At this rate, he'd soon sport a head of white hair akin to Wu's. "We can all vouch that he turns into a total hard-ass whenever she's not around, right?"

Both Zane and Jay hummed in agreement, while Cole emitted a vague sound of concurrence from his position on the ground.

"I get that he's in love, but seriously, we practically raised him!" Jay clamored, lowering himself to sit on the ground and giving his fatigued legs a much-needed break.

"Love tends to lead to questionable decisions. You'd be the authority on the matter Jay," Zane remarked matter-of-factly. Jay's initial pride deflated as he realized the subtle jab in Zane's comment. "Well, thank you—hey!" he protested, catching on to the backhanded compliment.

Cole raised his dirt-speckled face from the ground, tiny rocks clinging to his skin. "We need to call [Name], I can't handle this anymore," he grumbled.

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