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As we soared through the skies on the backs of our majestic dragons, the distant silhouette of Ninjago came into sharper focus. D/N was nestled on my lap, his excitement evident as the wind tousled his fur.

In the exhilarating moment, Lloyd's voice cut through the air, a stern warning hanging over us. "Chen and his Anacondrai army have a day's head start on us. Be prepared for anything!" Lloyd's words carried a sense of urgency that added gravity to our mission.

Kai's forehead creased in thought as he voiced the concern that weighed on everyone's minds. "How did we lose so much time?" His disbelief mirrored the sentiment that only a few hours had passed since our departure.

Dareth, perched with Zane on his Elemental Dragon, couldn't resist injecting a hint of humor into the tense atmosphere. "You made an oath not to leave a man behind," he quipped, his tone lightening the mood even in the face of imminent danger.

Jay, with Nya at his side on his dragon, chimed in with a wisdom born of experience. "And we're not all quick learners," he added, "Mastering your fear to create Elemental Dragons takes time!"

As the wind roared around us and dragon wings beat rhythmically, Nya couldn't help but inject a note of urgency into the air. "Well, we're running out of that!" she exclaimed, pointing to the approaching outlines of Ninjago City. "There's Ninjago City, hurry!"

"Hurry is my middle name!" Griffin chimed in with a playful grin. As the Master of Speed, it was only fitting that his dragon was the fastest. With a burst of speed, he and his dragon shot ahead of us, leaving a streak of motion in their wake.

I couldn't help but grimace. "What was all that talk about us staying together?" I muttered, each dragon stretching its wings to catch up.

"[Name]!" Lloyd's call snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What?" I turned my attention to him, a curious expression on my face.

"Cover your face, with the hood," he instructed, a hint of concern in his voice. Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten about the whole keeping-our-identity-a-secret thing. I had been wearing Lloyd's hoodie for the past two days.

I quickly pulled the green hood over my head and secured it with the strings, ensuring that the wind wouldn't have its way with it. We reached the city, and the grip I had on the reigns tightened.

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we stay united," Lloyd declared to the group, his voice carrying a tone of unwavering determination. "We fight as one!"

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