Chapter 24

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Hanni's POV

Well, Hanni, it's time to drive this girl crazy, let's see what you do, use your best weapons.

I took a deep breath and looked at her.

— Okay, to put you in the situation, we would meet at... —I thought— A party, for example, we have often met at one, right? —she nodded—. But this time instead of ignoring each other and pretending we haven't seen each other... —she interrupted me.

—So, you intend not to see me at parties?

She did it, many times we went to the same party, I honestly don't know why she went if she hated all those people, I guess because of the free alcohol.

—That's not the point here— I continued. —We're at the party and I see you, then... —she interrupted me again.

— You see me, and you fall in love instantly, because of course, how could you not?

— No, I see you and let's imagine that I'm a little attracted to you, what will happen... —I was interrupted again.

— A bit? No, little one, you would be very, very attracted to me— She paused and got closer to my face, which made me nervous. A lot!

—You can shut up and let me finish, if you interrupt me every ten seconds there is no way to do anything— I said upset and she leaned back.

— Well girl... Calm down. If that's your way of seducing, what a success... Very bad, Pham, very bad, that's not how you treat people you want to end up in bed with — is she trying to make me angry or what? I don't understand.

—Will you let me continue? Or are we done here? —I suggested.

— Do you give up so quickly, Hanni? —She said with a smile on her face.

She definitely wants to make me angry. The reason? I don't know, but let's see who can do that more, me or her.

—Let's continue— I said, raising my eyebrows. After getting rid of the guys who were sure to come after me—She was going to interrupt me again, but she shut up—because let's face it, there would be some.

—Would you get rid of them to come talk to me? she asked incredulously, and I nodded. —Awww! You would leave the hormonal teenagers to come after me... But how adorable you are little one— she said in a mocking voice and pinching my cheek.

— Get away, you idiot! —I pushed her hand away— Of course I'd push them away, you're my target here, right?

— I guess... But you didn't think about one thing... What would you do with the girls who came after me? Because I always have someone.

The truth is that I hadn't thought about that... What would I do?

—Easy, I'll kill them all— I said jokingly.

— What? —She said surprised.

—Hey! That was a joke, you're not important enough for me to kill someone for being with you... I guess I would wait until you were alone.

— I am never alone.

—I would make up something so that you would be —she laughed.

— Okay, you would make up something... And then what?

—I would introduce myself—I held out my hand to start our little theater.

— Seriously, are you going to shake my hand? —She said, I nodded and moved my hand closer for her to give it to me, in the end she gave in and shook it.

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