Chapter 19

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Minji's POV

That kiss.

Minji stop thinking about it. Delete it from your mind. It didn't happen.

What I need is a girlfriend urgently, a real one and to do all this that Hanni and I are doing but with someone other than Hanni.

I'm tired of being alone.

I will do that, when I get to Seoul I will find a girlfriend, many girls would die to be with me, so it won't be a problem.

I need the perfect candidate, someone who will make me forget all this that is happening with Pham. It scares me that if she continues to behave like this, I could end up falling in love with her, if that happened it would be hell.

Well, let's think about candidates. We ruled out Hanni and her entire social circle, we also ruled out Yunjin and Haerin, we ruled out the girls I party with, none of them would be with me, at least not in the happy couple, love forever way.

This is harder than I thought...

I have one, of course, there's this girl... what was her name... Very good Minji, you want her to be your girlfriend and you don't even know her name.

Think, I went to that class, I was your classmate...

—Minji—she called me—Hey! What do you think?! I'm calling you and you're not answering— she told me, I looked at her. —I'm going to put the last remaining dishes in the dishwasher, you take the trash to the bins outside. —I nodded and went out to throw out the trash.

Damn, how cold.

I threw away the trash while trying to remember my future girlfriend's name.

It started with A or C, maybe S... Come on, think a little.

I went back to the kitchen.

— Would you help me? That way we'll go to sleep first— she said, smiling at me.

— Yeah.

We finished placing the plates in their places.

— It's snowing?

— Yes, why?

—Because your head and your sweater are full of snow— she came very close to me, I got a little tense when she did so, and she brushed it off. —That's it— she smiled —Let's go up? I'm tired and I want to sleep.

We were heading to the room.

— Today you don't want us to talk for a while before you go to sleep? —I said laughing.

— No, not today. I'm dead, I'm dying of sleep. —She said rubbing her eyes.

—Poor thing— I grabbed her waist and rested her head on my shoulder —you're not used to staying up so late— I said, laughing.

—Of course I'm used to it— she said, laughing, and got away from me—What I'm not used to is working.

—It's not that hard a job, you exaggerator.

—Okay, it may not be hard, but I'm more tired today—we entered the room. —It's so cold. Have you turned off the heating?

— No, not me, why is the window open? —I went to close it.

—Minji, someone has broken into— She started looking in her backpack.

— Let's see, drama queen, calm down. Are you missing something? —I looked at my backpack too just in case. She denied. —It must have been the cleaning people; don't you see that the bed is made.

A Matter of Time - BbangsazTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon