Chapter 1

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Minji's POV

The alarm clock rang at 7 o'clock in the morning, I turned it off, ignoring the damn thing, and went back to sleep. At a quarter past 7 the alarm on my cell phone rang, I turned it off with the blinding morning light coming through the bedroom window, I covered myself up to my head and continued sleeping.

Suddenly I heard knocking on the door, and I heard someone enter, I heard my sister Hyein's voice.

—Come on, Minji, get up now— she said, touching my arm.

—Uggg... I'm coming— I said as my sister left my room.

I sat on the bed for a few seconds looking at nothing, finally I got up and went to the bathroom while still a little asleep; Now fully awake, I went back to my room to get dressed, I opened the closet and put on black jeans, sneakers of the same color, and a white t-shirt with dark blue trim. I looked in the mirror and combed my hair; I was ready so I went down to have breakfast.

When I entered the kitchen, my parents were finishing breakfast.

—Good morning, daughter— my father said when he saw me.

—Hello— I said, pouring myself a glass of juice.

—Hello, Minji. Hey, will you ever be able to wake up at the first alarm without us having to go to call you? —She said in a joking tone.

—Please, mom, you know very well that that is impossible.

And it was true, every morning the same thing happened, the alarms went off but I didn't get up until my father, my mother or one of my siblings were going to call me. Most days I found myself in a bad mood because I didn't like being woken up but if they didn't, I would always be late for school.

When I finished breakfast, I went up to my room to collect my things, when I came back down with my favorite leather jacket on and the backpack in my hand, I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time; It was eight o'clock, if we didn't go out we would be late.

—Guys, come down now or we'll be late! —I said as my brother Tae came down the stairs.

Taehyung was the middle of the three, he was 16 years old, I was the oldest at 18 and my sister Hyein, the youngest, was 14.

Tae was the typical high school athlete, tall, handsome, outgoing, a friend to everyone, a conqueror among teenagers his age, he also did very well in school and had a sports scholarship; my sister Hyein was the complete opposite of him, she was a very shy girl who had a hard time starting a conversation, she has to trust you a lot to let you see who the real Hyein is like; She is the pride of my parents because she has the best grade in her course and that is why they granted her a scholarship in science, she is very intelligent and mature for her age; and then there is me, let's say that this year they are not going to give me the award for the behavior of the year, it is not that I go robbing banks or killing people in the street, no, but in recent months I've gotten into some trouble at school and maybe one, or two, or more nights I've come home in an undignified condition. In my defense, it's not always my fault.

—Why does Hyein take so long to come down? —I asked Tae.

—I don't know, she might be getting ready for her new boyfriend— Tae said, raising the tone of his voice between laughs while Hyein met us at the bottom of the stairs, giving our brother a hateful look.

—Goodbye mom, goodbye dad – the three of us shouted.

—Goodbye, children— my father said from the kitchen.

My mother was going up the stairs to get ready to go to work.

—Bye kids, Minji try to stay out of trouble today, okay? Don't break the one-week record you have.

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