Chapter 21

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Hanni's POV

We spent a little more time looking at my photos until we got to the last one, she gave me my phone back and started cleaning up the room a little.

—I'll go down to leave this— she said, picking up the tray. —I'll let you know about the heating... You go change and then we'll go outside.

— OK.

I got dressed and grabbed Minji's hat that was on top of the chair, I put it on and looked in the mirror.

It wasn't my style, but it didn't look bad on me, I actually liked how it looked.

—How pretty— she said as she went inside.


—Sorry, here— I said embarrassed, taking off her hat.

—Put it on if you're cold, I don't care— she said, offering it to me.

—It's not necessary, besides it looks better on you.

After this moment of embarrassment, we put on our coats and left.

Minji was right, there were a lot of people, I noticed that they were French when I bumped into a boy who addressed me in French.

— I'm sorry.

—It's okay— he replied.

We went to the back of the motel and sat on a bench there.

—Do you speak fluent French? Or just the typical phrases of bonjour, au revoir, merci?

— Fluid, why?

— No reason, I didn't know.

— You work at my house, and you don't know that we speak French.

— I knew that your parents did speak it, but I didn't know that you and your sister did.

— Yes, my parents have tried not to lose the roots of where we come from.

— Got it. Tell me something in French.

— What?

— I don't know, something.

—What do you want me to tell you in French? —I asked her a second time.

She was going to answer me something, but the crying of a child distracted us, we turned to him and heard him calling his mother.

—Mom, mom — he said crying.

He said mom in French, meaning that one of the French guests who was at the motel would have to be his mother.

—Can't you find your mom? —Minji said when we approached him—Is she at the motel? —the boy raised his shoulders—Calm down, what's your name?

—Aaron— the boy answered softly.

—Aaron, what a beautiful name, I'm Minji.

Okay, I didn't expect that. Minji speaking in French, I have to confess that I was a little stunned, I didn't know what to do, I just looked at Minji.

— What do we do? —She addressed me.

I almost fainted, if I get nervous with this girl's voice when she speaks to me in English, if she does it with such a sexy accent, how can she have such a seductive voice?


— What? —I said coming out of the trance.

— What do we do? —She repeated.

— I don't know, let's ask him what his mother is like and then we'll go look for her.

— OK. Aaron, come— she crouched down to the little one's height —What is your mother like? —The boy looked at us with a face of not understanding.

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