Chapter 2

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Minji's POV

—Haerin! —I said while my best friend gave me a little hug and we went to our first class, history.

—Tell me, is it true that you almost ran over Hanni in the parking lot? If so, was it part of a premeditated plan or more of an impromptu crime? Tell me, Miss Kim, I want your version of the facts— she said as if she were interrogating me.

We entered class and went to the last row where our desks were, we sat together, that made classes less boring. We started taking out the books. There were still a few minutes until the bell rang.

—Firstly, Kitty Kang, stop watching CSI marathons on the weekends, they affect your head a lot, secondly, I'm surprised at how quickly rumors spread on this site, and thirdly, and this is the last time we talk about it, it wasn't It was my fault.

—Okay, okay, I believe you— she said, settling the issue. —Hey, what did you put in question three of the homework assignments that the teacher sent?"

—Here, copy it— I said, handing her my notebook. Haerin smiled at me and started copying as quickly as possible. The doorbell rang and I watched as Haerin increased her speed to copy the last few sentences of my answers. The teacher came through the door and so she gave me the notebook back.

—Thank you— my friend told me, I gave her a smile.

Haerin was one of the few people I could stand in this high school, in fact this cat-like girl with black hair was my best friend; We met the first days of school when I arrived in central Seoul due to my father's work, we were about ten years old the first time we talked, I was alone having lunch in the school yard, she came up to me and asked me if I wanted lunch With her, from that moment we began to be friends.

What I liked most about Haerin was her personality, I would never meet a nicer person than her in my life, she helped everyone without asking for anything in return, she didn't care about social classes and all that shit that is so important in this high school. She doesn't care that I don't have large amounts of money, that I have a scholarship or that I can't afford to go with her on vacation to Italy or anywhere in the world, Haerin loves me with all my defects and virtues, just like I love her.

She was the person who knew me best, she knew when I was sad, happy, when I needed to talk to someone or when I was angry, she was always by my side, she was the one who put up with my temper and many times she was the one who kept me from getting involved in trouble, so to speak Haerin was the one who "took me on the right path" or at least that's what she tried to do.

With class already started, I was dedicated to drawing pictures in my notebook, I looked at what Haerin was doing, and it was funny to see that she was paying the same attention as I was to the teacher's correction.

—If you put a hat on it, it will look funnier— I said quietly so as not to attract the teacher's attention. Haerin drew the little hat on her drawing.

—Now we have to give it a name— she said. Any suggestions?

—I don't know... —I looked at the history book and saw a photo of Napoleon. —Napoleon?

—How original, Minji, your brain has melted from thinking so much— she said, laughing softly. —And you, what have you drawn? —I showed her my notebook—. You realize that we become artists in history class. —She said while taking a look at the sheet full of drawings and caricatures. —I like this one— she pointed to a bear carrying a banner that read " I'M BORED ."

—Since you like to talk so much, why don't you correct question three, Miss Kang? —the teacher said and we looked up.

Haerin nodded and corrected the question, the teacher congratulated her for the magnificent answer. How smart I am.

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