Chapter 6

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Hanni's POV

My two days of suspension passed quickly. My parents did not punish me, they said that the punishment that Principal Jung had given me was enough, sometimes I think they are too good to me, but I am not going to complain.

I was looking forward to these three weeks passing so I could be in New York; I hadn't seen Kim in the hallways, which made me happy, but this afternoon we had to stay and inventory the objects in the gym. I would have to spend three hours straight with her in the same place, for my part there is no reason to fight but for her part I am not so sure.


Minji's POV

My two days of suspension passed slowly, my parents had punished me by not going out, they took away any device that would allow me to communicate with people, and they also forbade me from seeing Haerin. My parents are very strict about good behavior, and I guess I earned a lot of grounding.

When I resumed my classes I tried by all means not to cross paths with Pham, if she was in the hallway Haerin told me to go to the cafeteria, if she was in the bathroom I would wait and come in when she and her barbies were finished. Today it would be inevitable to meet her since we had to be together at the gym, I don't know how that will end but I'm not willing to miss out on a trip because of her.


Hanni's POV

I stood at the gym door waiting for Coach Moon to arrive so I could begin my punishment.

At that precise moment he arrived with Kim, he gave us a folder that contained papers of different colors.

—Well, ladies, here you go. Kim, you know how this works, explain it to Miss Pham.

—Yes, sir— I was surprised, she explained it to me without any problem, without fights or anything.

On the blue papers we had to write down all the types of balls there were there and how many of them, and on the red ones we had to write down how many sports objects.

—It doesn't seem complicated— I told her as we entered the gym.

—Wait until you see how many things there are in this gym and then you draw your conclusions.

She was right, we had to count down to the last ping pong ball.


Minji's POV

We had already been punished for an hour and a half and I still hadn't gotten into a fight with Pham. I know, it surprises me too.

—45, 46, 47, 48. —she counted the tennis rackets very slowly. She wrote down a 48 on her red sheet of paper, writing it slowly. Now what do I count? I'm done with the rackets and there are no more sports items left.

My phone rang and I saw it was Hyein, I didn't answer her, if it's important she'll call me again.

—Sorry. Mmm, I don't know.... Help me with the volleyballs.

—Okay— my cell phone rang again. —You can answer that, It's okay, while I'm counting this— she said, pointing to the volleyballs.

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