Chapter 9

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Hanni's POV

We had been in Central Park for an hour, after having walked the streets of this charming city, I was sitting on a bench with Wonyoung.

Goeun and Lia were busy with their boys.

At least they take advantage of the trip. I was happy for them.

This place was beautiful, it seemed like something out of a story, it was a little cold but I didn't care; The snow decorated the big park, I wanted to start making a doll or start a snowball fight but I didn't because people would think I was childish.

—Look at Haerin and Kim —she pointed in the direction where they were

— They are so pathetic; they look like seven—year—old girls.

Pathetic? They just took photos and had fun with the snow.

Minji with her big camera acted as if she were Haerin's personal photographer, she told her how and where to stand, they both laughed and it seemed like they were also recording videos since they were talking animatedly to the camera.

I saw how they asked Yunjin to take a photo of them together with the trees in the background, they hugged.

Minji looked beautiful, straight hair, makeup that made the brown of her eyes stand out more, a black coat buttoned all the way up, and a maroon scarf. Haerin looked adorable in her big white coat.

—They are not doing anything wrong, leave them alone, just ignore them. —I said looking away from them.

— What's wrong, you hang out with the lower class for two seconds and it has already affected your brain?

—No, I just don't feel like fighting.

—Whatever you say... They should expel them. I rolled my eyes. It seemed like my friend really wanted to fight.

—They're exhibitionists, that makes me sick, that stupid girl. — She said with hatred when Kim kissed Haerin on the cheek, who made a surprised face to take a photo.

—It should be forbidden to do that in public — Wonyoung said.

—It's just a kiss on the cheek, and if it were more than that, why do you care? Let them do what they want, they are free to do it.

—Of course I care, two women kissing, that's unnatural... just like two men— she added. —And they're not free to do it because it bothers me.—

She was my best friend but there were times I would kill her, especially when she started talking that way.

How can someone in the 21st century continue thinking like this?

—And what bothers you? Nobody asks for your blessing. Do you ask permission to kiss all the boys you're with?

—I don't need permission, mine is not an aberration...

—Nor theirs either. You can't hate someone because they like someone of the same sex.

—You hate Kim.

—AND? My reasons are not those. I'm telling you that if she were straight I would hate her just the same, whether she falls in love with a boy or a girl is indifferent to me.

—Please, what those people do is not love... How can someone be in love with someone of their own sex?

—Wonyoung, that's homophobia— I said seriously.

—AND? —This was getting serious.

Beomgyu interrupted us.

—Pham, come with me, I want to talk to you

A Matter of Time - Bbangsazحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن