Chapter 27

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“Anyway, how long have you been with Jisoo?” I ask Rosie who's busy with her food.

We're currently at her school office, eating some snacks. I took my kids here and I stayed in Rosie's office for an hours. I didn't get bored waiting for her classes to end cause I fell asleep.

She stops and look up on me. “We're dating for 5 years now”

“5 years?! For real?” I asked in disbelief. “Why you didn't even tell me you already have a girlfriend? Am I still your bestfriend?”

“Okay, first of all, sorry if I didn't tell you. Second of all, we didn't catch up more because of works. And lastly....” She prolong. “Jisoo told me not to tell you about our relationship” She look down afterwards.

“Why?” I felt betrayed. Do I have no right to know if someone is making my friend happy?

“When we became official lovers, I'm actually about to tell you about us. But Jisoo stopped me, telling me that we should stay low-key in front of you. Until we've been together for a while and I notice that she often does the PDA whenever we have a date. So I talked to her why we should be low-key when it comes to you. And finally she said the reason whyShe stopped and took a sip of her drink. “It's because she did something on you when you were in high school and she's ashame that—”

We both turned to the door when we heard it opened.

“Did I interrupt something?” Jisoo asked.

I look at Rosie first before my gaze turn to Jisoo, she stare back on me.

“Why you have to prevent my bestfriend to tell me about her relationship with you? As if I will separate you” I laugh sarcastically.

She look at me and Rosie back and forth before taking a deep sigh.

“I'm sorry about that” She said looking down.

Why do you have to keep your relationship with me a secret? I don't have the right to choose which person she should love. It's her choice, even if she falls in love with a thief, I will let her

“Eh? A thief?” I heard Rosie questioned as if she's disgusted on what I've said, while Jisoo and I remain staring at each other.

“When I first met Chaeyoung in college, I told myself that I wanted her to be mine. So there is not a day that I don't pass by her department just to see her beauty. Until I have the courage to ask her out, but I won't say that we are going on a date, instead I'll say, she has to pay for accidentally spilling coffee on my white shoes, through meals. But my plan didn't work because when I went to her department I saw you together. I asked one of her classmates if you two know each other and I found out that you are best friends. So I did not continue with my planJisoo stopped and sat on the couch, I sit too across hers.

It took a month that all I did was avoid every time I saw you two in the hallway, cafeteria or anywhere. But during that month was so hard, I was longing to see her. So I put aside my anger towards you and follows my mind, that is for making Chaeyoung mine. So when we became official, I told her that we should not let you know that we are lovers, cause whenever you were around I still felt the hatred towards–”

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