Chapter 11

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“The next game is the last game you will play parents. And this is called 'Cross the fruits'. In this game, two players per team will be required to do this challenge. And only the parents will play it. So children, relax in your seats and watch or cheer for your parents

“So parents, the rule is no touching. That means, once you placed the fruit on either your forehead or chin with your partner, don't touch it. Get it?”

“Yes” we answered.

Standing at the starting line as we waited for the cue to start, I checked the contents of the basket, it contains a piece of Apple, three Lanzones, two Tangerines, one Peach and five pieces of Grapes.

‘Seriously?! It is getting smaller and smaller.

“You ready?” Lisa asked as she stand beside me.

Not looking at her, I replied “Yeah”

“I'm not talking about the game” I faced her when I get what she meant.

“I already said it, I. Am. Busy”

“But we need it” She paused then sigh deeply. “Jennie, it's been a years. We haven't had a proper talk since that night we last saw each other and I—”

“Yeah you're right, it's been years. 11 years actually. So there's no more reason for us to talk about our past. It's all in the past, let's forget about it and move on” can't believed I did not stuttered when I said those words.

“There is. We have a lot to talk about especially the ch—”

“Is everything okay?” Nancy spoke, causing Lisa's words to cutted off.

“Yeah everything's fine. We were just talking about these fruits. Ms. Kim's here are hungry she wanna eat these fruits, I'm just stopping her” Lisa faked a laugh.

“Don't worry I can asks my cousin Eunwoo, to buy you fresh fruits lat—”

“Don't bother Ms. McDonie. I can do that– the buying thing, not the asking your cousin of course” Lisa stated.

“I'll buy her later. A thanks giving, cause she accompanied my daughter and me to playShe added.

“Okay” just Nancy's answered.

“Spare me your time, please” Lisa pleaded when Nancy was no longer around us.

I can't believed, she was still this stubborn woman.

Do I have to give her what she wants? But I don't want to talk about our past. I buried all our memories for a long time.

“Position” She uttered from behind me as she held my arms and made me stand straight.

I just ignore the thumping of my chest every time our skins touch, we might not finish this game.

Lisa's effect on me was too strong, so while I'm still in my right mind I had to avoid her, I might steal her away from her wife.

And that's what I avoid happening, I don't wanna be a homewrecker.

As we heard the whistle, she started to pick the smallest which is the grape. Placing against our forehead, we begun to walk slowly careful not to smash the fruit.

At first attempt we didn't succeed until second, third, forth attempt, it's either getting smashed or keep falling.

“Let's focus. We should not pressured our selves. We have a goal, and that goal is to win” Lisa stated.

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