Chapter 17

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Dada, where are we going? Are we gonna do shopping? Are we gonna buy a lot of toys?” consecutively asked by her daughter Chiquita, the two of them were behind, while Ahyeon and I were ahead of them.

They finished playing and we were walking out of the Zone.

“Yeah, I will buy you a new toy. But not too much, your Mama might get angry againI heard Lisa says.

“Nini, what is that?” pointing at somewhere, Ahyeon grabs my hand to get my attention.

I look to where she was pointing at, it was a crowd, with a music playing on. Maybe someone or a group has a mall show here.

“Maybe a mall show?” I answered, still looking at the crowd. The screams grew louder and louder as we approached its direction

“A mall show? Can we watch?”

“Ask your Dada” glancing over my shoulder.

She turn to Lisa, but before she could speak, Lisa spoken first.

“No. You might get stuck there”

“Then lift us up, Dada” Chi nods agreeing to what her sister says.

I heard her sighs, like she don't have any choice but to obey her kids.

Okay fine

Together they let go of our hands, and ran towards the crowds.

“Hey kids, don't run!” Lisa shouts.

Later on, they obey and walks slowly.

“You know what, you don't have to always give them whatever they want. They might grow up to be spoiled children. Refuse sometimes I advises.

“I tried several times. But, you know me Jennie. I like to spoil important people in my life”

I understand. But hopefully, it doesn't get to the point where you are raising them wrong

She didn't say anything anymore and neither did I.

“Dada, we couldn't see the show. Can you give us a lift?” Ahyeon, once again, asked a favor.

“You are too big for me to carry. I can't lift both of you at the same time”

“Please Dada” they both pleads.

“Carry Ahyeon and I'll carry Chi” I suggest.

“You sure? She's not that light weighing like how you see her” there's a concerns on her voice, means she's not joking about the kid's weight. I just nodded.

She's heavy, but I didn't show it to them I was struggling for carrying her.

“This will be the last dance I'm gonna perform. Hope you enjoy the last moment, thank you”

Someone spoke from the stage. And the voice kinda familiar to me. But I can't see the person yet, cause of the people blocking my view.

“You okay?” I don't know if Lisa was concern on my state or she's teasing me, cause I heard her giggles afterwards. Tho I didn't mind her and just focus on carrying Chiquita.

The screams are getting louder and louder, and even though it was crowded, I still tried to squeeze in. Because I was so damn curious who's the performer.

“Wow. She's so good on dancing, Nini” Chiquita, amaze at what she is watching.

“Really?” I asked. She nods.

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