Chapter 13

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"I didn't say it was mine"

"What do you mean? If so... Whose is it?" He inquired.

"Can you just eat" She answers impatiently

He seemed to want to ask more, but chose not to.

Later on, the guy who was quiet earlier, spoke again.

"Uhm by the way, Jennie, how many years have you been teaching here?"

"Actually, I'm a replacement teacher so I just started three months ago" I replied casually.

We talked for a minutes related to my work here. How I dealt with my students, how's my co-teachers treatment towards me, with whom I am close. I answered all with honesty, cause why not, he seems nice actually.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked straightforwardly while cleaning up our leftovers.

Only the two of us were left at the table, while the others continued what they were doing. The twins are eating ice cream on the side.

I was about to answer his question, however, someone preceded me to answer.

"She don't have, but suitor, there is" Eunwoo said sternly.

"Oh... a suitor... then count me in" He smirk.

"Back off boy, she's already mine" Eunwoo retorted.

"I don't see her name stamped on your forehead" He mocked.

"If it was me, I would have punched" alludes by Lisa, when she passed by us and took the leftover food that Taehyung put on the table to maybe throw away.

"Lisa!" I utter sternly.

"Yes? You want me to join them?" She smiled innocently.

"Suit yourselves" I leave them, and just went to the couple who putting the chairs in the right place.

"Why the long face?" ask by Jisoo when she saw me.

"Is it because of my cousin?" Chaeng asked seriously.

"Actually the two men. And include your stupid-bestfried" I said.

"That's the problem with us beautiful people, we are chased and fought over too much. So just bear with it" Jisoo bragging.

"Who's my rival to you? Kim Jisoo?!" the girlfriend snaps.

"Of course, nothing, baby. I'm just talking about Jendeuk" She laughs awkwardly and was about to kiss her girl's lips but I put a paper I saw on the ground, between their faces, when I noticed the twins approaching.

"Nini, Dada said, eat this to make you calm" Ahyeon handed me gallon of ice cream.

"It's okay, I'm calm. Besides, this is yours, so take it" I handed the dessert back.

"I already finished mine"

"Is that so? Maybe it's Chiquita's.

"No. I'm into chocolates flavour"

"Okay, if you don't want, I can have it" Chaeng uttered, about to reach for the dessert, however, the kid kept it away.

"Sorry Aunt Georgia, but Dada bought it for Nini herself"

"Ughm~ How sweet" Jisoo teased.

"Twins, your Mama wants to talk with you" Lisa approaches us.

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