He felt an aching after seeing her state but his anger overpowered his every other emotion. His anger will only subside when she will come to him without putting a fight.

She kept on weeping after he left. Still her mind is in chaos. Everything is appearing like a flashback. Was it all part of his plan? She can't believe that someone can possess that much twisted brain. He pretended that he doesn't care. and he turned out to be the director of this whole drama.

Her fear for him took a crazy turn. She realised how much reckless this man is. How much stubborn and twisted he is. She hugged her knees and trembled in terror.

He doesn't care! He has no heart. He can do anything for his obsession. He is even capable of killing Nidhi. He played with her emotion. He is playing from the beginning.

Now she understood why he was looking so calm when she left that night. He threw a flying kiss at her. Now she understood that he has actually planned everything from that day. If he wanted he could have stopped her that day but he let her go. He knew that she can't escape from him in anyway. He was so confident about this. He is well aware of his power.

Her mind was scared to even think further. He is dangerous and he held so much power. This is enough to terrorize her beyond limit.

The lights came back.

She is still gasping for air. She finally gathered some courage and stood up. She can't feel her limbs. Her whole body is feeling drained out. She stood in front of the mirror.

Her kohl is smudged up. Her eyes fell on her lips. The lipstick is smudged around her mouth. She is looking horrible. Fresh tears appeared into her eyes when she remembered his torture. The way he violated her few minutes back. Her lips quivered and she broke into sobs.

She started to throw water on her face. She rubbed her lips in pure disgust. She wants to remove his touch from her lips so badly. She cried and cried helplessly. She doesn't know how long she stayed inside the washroom. Her trance broke with a knock.

"Tara, are you here?"

Parul's voice appeared.

Tara immediately stood up and opened the door. Parul entered and she got shocked after seeing her state.

"What happened to you? You are looking so pale..and why did you remove your make up..."


But she stopped her tongue. She can't risk Parul's life. Her inside is screaming to tell her everything but she stopped herself in doing so. He is a monster. He is capable of killing anyone.


She said in a shaky tone.

"Then why are you crying? Don't tell me it's PMS..."

Parul felt bad after looking at her condition.

Tara nodded her head slowly.

"Aww...this happens you know..I got so depressed during my period...no worry..I will drop you home safely...let me help to bind this hair...God Tara! Your hair is so thick...I wish I could have such long and thick hair.. I'm jealous..."

Parul binded Tara's hair with a hairband.

"Now you will feel better...let's go outside..Nidhi mam is looking so beautiful and our Nawab Saab is also here...c'mon..."

Parul almost pulled her outside. Tara followed her like a robot.

Everyone is dancing around. Tara find Nidhi dancing happily. Her eyes roamed around and immediately her breathing stopped when she met with those cold blue eyes. They were rooted on her. She lowered her eyes in pure terror. Her heart started to hammer loudly in fear.

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