58. Small Victories.

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Yoongi, like a man possessed by joy, dashed downstairs, tears streaming down his face. Jin, worried, asked, "What happened, Yoongi? Is y/n okay?"

Yoongi nodded, tears still flowing, and replied between breaths, "y/n made... She made a sound. S..she called me!" Taehyung's eyes widened in disbelief; hope for y/n finding her voice had nearly vanished from the family's hearts.

Jimin choked on his rice in astonishment and asked, "Really?" Yoongi nodded fervently. As y/n slowly descended the stairs, lacking energy but determined, Yoongi rushed to her side. The others, their faces alight with smiles, watched as y/n joined them, tears of joy mingling with her own.

As y/n reached the bottom of the stairs, the room was filled with an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness. Yoongi hugged her tightly, unable to contain his emotions. Tears continued to flow down his cheeks, but this time they were tears of joy.

Taehyung approached y/n with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting the astonishment and happiness he felt. "You did it, y/n," he said softly, his voice filled with pride.

Y/n looked around at her family, seeing the joy and love in their eyes. She felt a surge of gratitude and happiness, knowing that she was surrounded by people who cared deeply for her.

Jimin, wiping away his tears, approached y/n and hugged her tightly. "We're so proud of you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

Encouraged by their cheers and support, y/n took a deep breath, summoning all her courage. With a trembling voice, she uttered the word, "Oppa."

Her family erupted into cheers and applause, their happiness palpable in the air. They hugged her tightly, celebrating this incredible milestone. Tears of joy streamed down their faces as they reveled in the moment together.

Yoongi, overwhelmed with emotion, hugged y/n tightly, whispering words of pride and love into her ear. Taehyung grinned from ear to ear, his eyes shining with pride. Jin wiped away his tears, his heart filled with happiness for y/n.

Jimin, unable to contain his joy, lifted y/n off her feet and twirled her around, laughing with pure delight. Hobi and Namjoon joined in the celebration, their smiles radiant and their hearts full of love for y/n.

In that moment, surrounded by her loving family, y/n felt a sense of belonging and acceptance like never before.

Jungkook teased her, playfully predicting, "Next thing we know, you'll be yelling at me and picking fights!"

Y/n's small whisper of "yea" echoed softly in the room, a testament to her determination and effort. Though it wasn't a full sentence, it held immense significance for everyone present. They exchanged glances filled with pride and encouragement, understanding the immense progress she had made. In that moment, even the simplest of words carried the weight of victory and hope.

Their banter filled the room with laughter, bringing warmth and joy to the moment. It was a reminder of the bond they shared as a family, where even teasing was a cherished form of affection.

Taehyung's heart swelled with emotion as he watched y/n's progress. The thought of hearing her voice, of sharing in her laughter and joy, filled him with an overwhelming sense of anticipation. For so long, he had wished to hear her speak, to experience the sound of her giggles and the melody of her voice. Now, with the possibility looming closer than ever, he couldn't contain his excitement.

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