57. Fragile Silence.

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Yoongi was pacing back and forth, his heart heavy with worry and his eyes filled with tears as he walked beside y/n's bed. He ran his trembling hands through her hair, desperately waiting for her to wake up.

Meanwhile, the sudden disappearance of Taehyung with a gun in hand sent Jimin and Hobi sprinting after him, their hearts pounding with fear. Namjoon remained seated by y/n's bedside, his expression etched with concern, while Jungkook stood by the door, his eyes darting anxiously between his sister and the hallway. Jin sat near y/n's feet, his gaze flickering between her still form and the door, praying for her to wake up soon.

They all shared a deep sense of worry and apprehension, especially after y/n's alarming revelation about her inability to hear. The room felt heavy with anticipation as they awaited any sign of her awakening, hoping and praying for her recovery.

Y/n stirred slightly, prompting Jin to signal for everyone to keep quiet. As she gently opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings, she found herself enveloped in Yoongi's embrace. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged him tightly, seeking comfort in his arms.

"Shh... it's okay, my angel," Yoongi whispered soothingly, his own voice trembling with emotion. He felt her fists clenching against his back as she trembled with fear.

Taking a deep breath, Yoongi gently pulled back, his heart pounding with anxiety. He couldn't bear the thought of his beloved sister losing her hearing after already losing her ability to speak. With a trembling voice, he asked, "B-baby, can you hear me?"

Y/n took a moment to compose herself, her breaths coming in ragged gasps, before nodding in response. Relief flooded the room as everyone realized she could hear them clearly. Tears welled up in their eyes, grateful that their precious y/n was safe and sound.

Jin sat down beside y/n, offering her reassurance. "Sweetie, you don't have to be scared. Look, we're all here," he said softly. Y/n burst into tears, and Jin wrapped his arms around her, gently patting her back. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and rocked her soothingly, comforting her in his embrace.

Checking her pulse, Jin noticed something concerning and immediately looked to Yoongi. "Yoon, get something for her to eat," he instructed urgently, knowing that her glucose levels must have dropped. Yoongi nodded in understanding and quickly hurried to the kitchen to fetch some food for y/n.

Y/n looked at Jin with pleading eyes, silently conveying her distress. Jungkook handed her his phone, and she quickly typed out her message:

"She killed my Koya. She said she'll take me back. I don't wanna go, please. That place is so bad. They all want to hurt me, touch me. Please," she typed urgently, her fingers trembling with emotion. Her words painted a harrowing picture of her past trauma, leaving everyone in the room shaken.

Yoongi held her close, gently wiping away her tears as she sniffled in his arms. He whispered soothing words, reassuring her that she was safe now and that they would protect her no matter what. Y/n clung to him, finding comfort in his embrace as she tried her best to calm down. The boys watched over them, their hearts heavy with concern for y/n's well-being.

Taehyung's fists landed on the man with relentless force, each blow fueled by anger and desperation. The man grunted in pain, his face contorted with fear as he struggled to respond between the punches.

"Where is she?!" Taehyung's voice echoed in the room, filled with rage and frustration. "Tell me where Maria is!"

The man's eyes widened in terror, but he remained silent, refusing to divulge any information. Taehyung's fury only intensified, his blows becoming more ferocious with each passing moment.

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