29. Shared Smiles.

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Both siblings remained in each other's arms, tears flowing freely as they sought solace in each other's company. Y/n's exhaustion eventually caught up with her, and she drifted into unconsciousness within the safety of her brother's embrace. The weight of their shared struggles seemed momentarily eased by their closeness.

Yoongi's panic surged as y/n lost consciousness, but Jin's reassurance brought a measure of calmness, reminding him of her fragile state. They carefully moved her to her room, allowing her to rest and recover. Yoongi's emotions overwhelmed him as he broke down in front of his brothers, the weight of his guilt and relief mingling in his tears.

Yoongi's emotions erupted, tears streaming down his face as he sought solace in Jimin's supporting arms, his sense of guilt and relief mingling in his tears.

but his focus soon shifted to Taehyung, his determination clear. He held Taehyung's gaze, the intensity of his emotions evident as he spoke of the pain inflicted by that woman.

"Taehyung, that bitch... She stole my family, my Angel's childhood, and her voice. I need you to get her, and I'll do whatever it takes. I want revenge for my family, for my Angel."

His voice trembled with anger and resolve as he declared his intention for revenge, a way to heal the wounds of their past.

Taehyung met his gaze and knelt before him, his promise ringing with conviction.

"I swear, Hyung, that woman will pay for every ounce of suffering she's caused us. She'll endure even worse, I promise."

In that moment, a vow was sealed, and the determination to bring justice to their lives grew stronger than ever.

Gradually, the presence of the other brothers managed to lift Yoongi's spirits, coaxing a faint smile from him and easing his anxiety. The prospect of caring for his sister, protecting her, and making her smile again ignited a newfound excitement within him.

Entering her room, he found y/n in a peaceful slumber, her vulnerability tugging at his heart. As he glanced around the room, an idea sparked in his mind - to transform this space into something beautiful and comforting for her. Bursting with enthusiasm, he shared his plan with his brothers, their agreement resonating with joyful laughter, as they embraced the positive change they could bring to y/n's life.

As evening descended, y/n stirred awake in her room, only to find herself alone. A sense of unease gripped her, compelling her to hurry outside in search of Yoongi.

There, she spotted Yoongi conversing with Jin, a smile adorning his face. Without hesitation, y/n rushed into Yoongi's embrace, causing him to stagger slightly before holding her securely. Her tears flowed freely, an outpouring of emotions that concerned them all deeply.

Yoongi, his voice laden with worry, questioned, "Angel, what's wrong?" He desperately sought an answer, yearning to understand the cause of her distress.

However, as the girl is unable to respond like them , they'll have to wait , patiently for her to respond .

In a tight embrace, Yoongi murmured comforting words to y/n, assuring her that he was there and that everything would be alright. His gentle whispers were like a balm to her soul, gradually helping to soothe her distress.

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