38. A Friend Found.

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The next morning, the boys anxiously awaited y/n's awakening. Despite the disturbances of the previous night, they found a sense of unity. As the baby of the family descended the stairs with a somber expression, Yoongi moved forward to greet her with a smile. However, his smile quickly faded as y/n approached, embracing him tightly while he sensed her tears soaking his chest.

The atmosphere in the room shifted as the other boys circled around her, sensing her distress. Jin quickly gestured to everyone, silently advising against bombarding her with questions, understanding that it could make her anxious.

Yoongi, the caring older brother, gently rubbed her back and inquired with concern, "What happened, my angel? Did you have a bad dream?" Y/n immediately pulled away, nodding in confirmation. The others collectively sighed in relief, recognizing that it wasn't something more serious.

Yoongi wiped away her tears, his voice filled with reassurance, "It's okay, y/n. See, we're all here with you. It was just a bad dream." The room remained a comforting haven as they offered their silent support to the baby of the family.

Y/n softly nodded in response to her oppa's comforting words, and Yoongi enveloped her in a warm hug, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. The boys, determined to dispel the lingering unease, succeeded in bringing a beautiful smile back to the baby's face as they shared a heartfelt breakfast together.

Y/n's therapy sessions unfolded with an overwhelming pain, her throat rigid and throbbing with an intensity that seemed capable of consuming her. For Yoongi and the other boys, witnessing her suffer was a poignant and distressing experience.

The pain lingered, casting a shadow even after she returned home, bringing with it an unwelcome companion—fever. The days that followed were enveloped in a palpable gloom, a heavy atmosphere mirroring Y/n's internal struggles.

The boys, especially Yoongi, took turns caring for Y/n during her gloomy days. They would sit by her side, offering comforting gestures and silent companionship. The atmosphere in the house became somber, reflecting the weight of Y/n's struggles. Despite the efforts to lighten the mood, the underlying concern for her well-being lingered in the air.

Y/n returned from her 2nd therapy session, her face marked by the emotional toll of a tearful session. Yoongi, ever the supportive brother, enveloped her in a comforting hug. The rest of the members surrounded her, showing their solidarity.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jin, the nurturing figure, was preparing a soothing soup for Y/n. Jungkook, seeking a comforting bowl of ramen, approached Jin with a request. With kindness and love, Jin suggested Jungkook make the ramen himself to ensure it's served promptly for Y/n before she falls ill.

Misinterpreting the situation, Jungkook, burdened with a sense of being ignored, retreated to make his ramen. This misunderstanding lingered, casting a shadow on his feelings for the following week.

Jungkook found himself caught in the tangled web of emotions, a sense of neglect gnawing at his heart. Once the cherished youngest, he now grappled with a distorted perception fueled by his mind. Despite knowing that the others still cared for him, a growing sense of irritation towards Y/n started to take root.
Not knowing , these emotions were creating a growing dislike, casting a shadow over the bond they once shared.

Jungkook's past few days passed like a monotonous melody, each note echoing the discord within. Despite the genuine concern from his brothers, the distorted lens through which he saw the world painted Y/n as the source of his perceived neglect.

Chief Kim / Kim Taehyung Ffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें