40. Disappeared.

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Hoseok focused on the road as he drove y/n to her academy, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words. Y/n, sitting quietly, suddenly broke the silence by typing on her phone. She showed the screen to Hoseok, revealing her message: "Oppa? Did I disturb you all by making you care for me?"

Feeling the weight of her words, Hoseok immediately stopped the car and turned to her. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, he responded, "Y/n, you never disturbed us. We care about you because you're family. Don't ever think you're a burden. We're here for you."

As Hoseok spoke, sincerity reflected in his eyes, trying to reassure y/n. She looked at him, a mix of emotions crossing her face. With a faint smile, she nodded, appreciating his words.

Hoseok resumed driving, and the car journey continued, but now with a more comforting atmosphere. The unspoken bond between them grew stronger, a silent understanding that family means supporting each other through every challenge.

As Hoseok stepped into the house, he noticed Jin pacing nervously. The atmosphere was charged with concern, and Hoseok couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. Approaching Jin, he gently inquired, "What happened, Hyung?"

Jin's eyes conveyed a mix of worry and distress as he began to share the news. "I found Jungkook with a high fever when i returned," Jin revealed. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air.

To Jin, Jungkook was more than just a member of the family; he held a unique and cherished place in Jin's heart. Having raised Jungkook since he was 10, Jin's affection for him transcended the bounds of a typical familial relationship, resembling that of a real son.

As Yoongi hurried back home in the afternoon, a sense of restlessness overcame him. Aware of Jungkook's condition, he rushed to his side, finding him weakly laying on the bed. Despite his own fatigue, Yoongi's concern for Jungkook took precedence.

Laying on the bed, Jungkook, feeling a bit better, reached for his phone. Opening the text app, he discovered two unread messages from y/n, sent two days ago.

As he read her messages, a glimmer of tears filled jungkook's eyes. The weight of guilt for hurting y/n had been haunting him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it might be a factor in his current sickness. Determined to apologize,  Jungkook lay , patiently waiting for the fever to subside.

As the evening wore on, Yoongi found himself dozing off while sitting beside the still-sleeping Jungkook, who had just gone through an intense sickness. Awaking abruptly from his accidental nap,

Yoongi glanced at the time; it had already been five minutes since y/n finished her classes. Realizing he was running late, he hastily made his way outside, a departure from his usual routine of being there 10 minutes before her classes ended.

Yoongi stood before the academy, greeted by an eerie silence. Failing to locate anyone waiting outside, he hurriedly approached the security guard, desperately seeking information about y/n. The guard's revelation struck him like a bolt: "Sir, you picked her up 20 minutes ago."

Anxiety and confusion gripped Yoongi as he protested, "What are you saying? I just arrived." The security guard insisted, "Sir, I saw it with my own eyes—a car identical to yours came, and she left with it."

In that critical moment, a surge of panic overwhelmed Yoongi. It mirrored the devastation he had felt 15 years ago when he endured a profound loss. The fear of someone spiriting away his angel resurfaced, intensifying the urgency of his concern.

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