48. The Missing Link.

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Y/N descended the stairs with a bounce in her step, her eyes alight with excitement as she made her way towards Namjoon, who sat in the living room. With a beaming smile, she presented him with the book she had carefully selected during her outing. Namjoon's astonishment was evident as he pulled her into a warm embrace, praising her with endearing words, "Y/N is such a smart baby."

Y/N's grin widened in response to his affectionate remark, her heart warmed by his appreciation.

As Hobi, Jimin, and Jin entered the hall, Y/N gestured for them to join her on the couch. With a gleam of anticipation in her eyes, she presented each of them with the gifts she had chosen, each one tailored perfectly to their individual tastes and preferences.

Y/N ascended the stairs, her movements deliberate and filled with purpose. Carefully, she penned a note and placed a small gift on Jungkook's bed, knowing he was absent. Next, she tucked Yoongi's gift into her wardrobe, planning to give it to him upon his return in four days.

Approaching Taehyung's door, she knocked softly, a gentle reminder of her presence. Taehyung, anticipating her arrival, swiftly concealed his work and greeted her with a warm smile as she entered, radiating joy.

Seated at his desk, Taehyung's expression transformed into one of awe and delight as he accepted the gift she offered. It was a charming police man key chain, a thoughtful token from Y/N. "Thank you so much, Y/N. It's so cute," he exclaimed, his appreciation evident in his words.

With a gesture towards his keys, Y/N conveyed her intention, prompting Taehyung to attach them to the key chain without hesitation. The simple act brought a radiant smile to Y/N's face, igniting a flutter of happiness within Taehyung's heart.

Rising from his chair, Taehyung enveloped Y/N in a warm embrace, his joy mirroring hers. In that moment, amidst the shared happiness and affection, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a rush of butterflies in his stomach, his cheeks flushed with newfound warmth and delight.

Taehyung inquired, "Is Kookie back?" Y/N shook her head in response, signaling no. Retrieving her phone from her pocket, she quickly typed a message to Taehyung, expressing her concern: "Taetae, I brought everyone gifts, so I got one for Kookie too. I left it on his bed. Is that okay? Do you think it will upset him?"

Her gaze, full of innocence and uncertainty, met Taehyung's eyes, silently seeking reassurance and understanding.

Taehyung listened attentively as Y/N explained through her gestures and text message. Reading her words, he responded with a reassuring smile, "Of course, it's okay, Y/N. Kookie will appreciate it. He won't be angry at all." His voice carried a sense of reassurance, intended to comfort her worries.

As he met her gaze, Taehyung found himself captivated by the sincerity and innocence reflected in her eyes. In that moment, he felt a surge of protectiveness towards her, a desire to shield her from any concerns or fears she might harbor.

Taehyung tenderly tousled her hair and planted a soft kiss on the crown of her head. "It's getting late now. Do you have any work left?" he inquired gently.

Y/N nodded, acknowledging her unfinished assignment. Taehyung playfully pinched her nose and remarked, "Now go and complete it. Since you indulged in so much fast food today, you'll feel sleepy soon."

Y/N responded with a silent giggle and hurried off to her room, eager to finish her task before fatigue set in.

With a heart pounding and a stomach fluttering with butterflies, he settled at his desk to attend to his tasks, chuckling at the sight of the small keychain.

Chief Kim / Kim Taehyung FfOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant