Who You Are

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And that dear reader is how you came to possess the most powerful magic known to the fairytale world.

But don't for a second think this is where your story ends, oh no...

There is so much more that awaits you and your story.

I hope this chapter taught you that no matter what, it is important that you remember who you are at your core. Despite the trials and tribulations you have faced, you have managed to remain yourself...though you did require some assistance at times.

Assistance is never a bad thing, and in the coming year, you will need to remember that. You, Y/N, are not always someone who knows how to ask for help...you will need to work on that for what's to come.

Though I cannot breach the quill code any more than I already have to give you hints on what awaits you, I can tell you this.

Your story is far from over...and you will need to hone your magical skills and continue to nurture your friendships for what's ahead. As you realized during the Shadow War, you are not alone...so don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

And of course, no matter what, remember...everything happens for a reason.

~ Storian

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