Brother from Another Mother

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"Since when do I have a half-brother?" Tedros asked in a snarky tone.

His mother was trying her hardest to keep him as calm as she could, as she was afraid if he got himself worked up enough, he might just go and strike his father. And though Tedros was a prince, and could be afforded more leniency, he was not completely above his father.

"He was born about a year before your father and I got married," Guinevere explained. "I also just recently learned of his existence."

Tedros looked at his mother. "How are you not more upset by this? The fact that your husband fathered another son...someone who is challenging my right to the throne!" He yelled.

"His challenge has not been issued officially, Tedros," his mother said, trying to reassure him.

"But when he met with you and father he said he intended to stick around, did he not?" Tedros spat, a venom to his tone and a rage in his eyes. 

Guinevere sighed, "Yes...he did. But he cannot compare to you!" She stood from the bed, moving to take her pacing son in her arms, desperately trying to calm his spirit and soothe his fears. "You are the prince. You are the only one born of both King and Queen of Camelot. You are the one the people know. You are a strong and powerful leader; and he would be unwise to challenge you," she hummed.

Tedros sighed; the feeling of his mother's arms holding him was more soothing than he cared to admit. "Why me? After everything I've endured this past year..."

"I know," Guinevere sighed as she began rocking him slowly back and forth where they stood. "The world has not been kind to you as of late. But not to worry dear, even if he challenges you, he will not win. He may be your father's spawn...but he is not royalty."

"But he can still lay claim," Tedros groaned as he moved to hold his mother's shoulders. "He is still technically an heir."

She sighed. "Yes...though to win he would need the public vote...and you already have it my dear boy."

"And where is father?" Tedros said, suddenly regaining some of his annoyance. "How does he feel about all of this?"

Guinevere crossed her arms as the young prince began pacing once more, trying to burn off some of his nervous and angry energy. "He is currently in talks with his advisors on how to proceed. There must be testing done to prove that this boy's claim is true, that he is who he says he is."

"Who is this guy?" Tedros asked as he turned to face his mother. "Is he someone I know?"

The queen shook her head. "No...he did not grow up here. When your father got the maiden pregnant your grandfather paid her off to leave Camelot and never return."

"So who is he then?" He asked. "Some random farm boy from the next town over?"

Guinevere sighed. "He is an educated boy," she said with a slightly impressed tone. "He went to the finest schools your grandfather's gold could buy. For the brief moment I heard him speak, he seems to be of high stature, though he has no title to his name."

"So this woman...this maiden," Tedros began recapping, trying to understand, "got paid off after father got her pregnant and instead of buying some fancy home or whatever, sent her kid to school just so one day he could challenge to be king?"

The queen shrugged. "I'm not sure that was the woman's plan, perhaps she just wanted her son to have his best chance. That's what I want for you," she hummed as she came to kiss him on the forehead.

Tedros quickly backed out of her embrace, shaking his head. "Seriously mom?" Tedros spat as he looked at her angrily. "You should not be giving this woman the benefit of the doubt right now. Her illegitimate son could usurp me from the throne."

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