Dean vs. Dean

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"Absolutely not!" Dovey exclaimed as she paced around Lesso's office. You were lying lengthwise on her couch, sleeping soundly while Lesso sat on the arm. Hester, Sophie, and Tedros were seated on the bench just outside the door.

They had already been going back and forth for the past 20 minutes. And at this point it felt as if they were going round and round in circles. 

"He stabbed the Headmaster," Lesso yelled angrily as she stood, her cane slamming into the stone. "He should be expelled!"

"He was under the influence of something else Leonora!" Dovey yelled back. "He told you himself, he blacked out."

"An excuse," she sneered. "We don't know for sure that's actually what happened."

"You're only saying that because of your personal vendetta against him after how he treated Y/N toward the end of last year," Dovey pointed out. 

"Exactly my point!" Lesso exclaimed. "After all he said about Y/N last year...we're just expected to believe that he wasn't doing this of his own free will and that he was 'under the influence' of something else?"


As Dovey and Lesso argued over your unconscious form, Sophie and Hester sat close to one another, while Tedros sat far away from them. Sophie was fiddling with her fingers in her lap, Hester's knee was bouncing, Tedros sat completely still.

Sophie turned to look at him. For some reason, as she looked at him now, it was like she was seeing him in a whole new light. She could see the evidence of exhaustion and stress. His hands were worn, his posture not as tall, his hair messy, and his eyes...his eyes were sunken in. Even with the sleep he'd been getting as of late, Tedros looked terrible. Sophie sorta felt bad she hadn't noticed. Honestly, she'd kind of avoided Tedros this semester, though she wasn't really sure as to why.

"She's gonna be okay, right?" Hester whispered to the blonde. She had taken the sight of you seizing pretty hard.

Sophie grabbed Hester's hand, holding it in her own. "Yes...she's immortal, remember? She'll be fine, Hes."

Tedros had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He still had no idea who was taking over his body...what they wanted...but he had a strong suspicion that you weren't in fact going to be okay.

"It's my fault," he mumbled under his breath as his head fell into his hands.

Hester glared at him, and opened her mouth to say something, but at that moment, Dovey opened the door.


"We are not expelling a student for something that was completely beyond their control. Not when students have gotten away with much worse with less punishment," Dovey insisted.

"None of them stabbed the Headmaster!" Nora yelled.

"That's besides the point Lesso!" Dovey huffed.

"How? How is that besides the point? That's the whole fucking point Clarissa!" The redhead exclaimed. Her hair was beginning to frizz out and her cheeks had grown red.

"Y/N is immortal," Dovey explained. "Better her than someone who could've actually died."

"She could've actually died!" Lesso snipped.

"The only thing that can kill her is you," Dovey chided.

"But what if that's not the case?" Lesso said. "What if something else pops up out of the blue?"

"Don't you think Y/N would've known about it by now?" Dovey asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

"She didn't know about the whole true love thing..." Lesso pointed out.

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