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Kass never had a hard time finding Lady Lesso. She was usually one of three places. Her office, the library, or her classroom. She hardly went to her bedroom, even to sleep; mainly because she hated being alone in there. It reminded her of you, and it was too painful to be flooded by so many happy memories when she could not physically be with you.

As she strolled down the hallway, with yet another meal that Lesso missed, Kass heard distant muttering coming from the dean's office. It was clear Lesso was reading through something; probably hoping that it would be useful information that led her closer to saving you. Though by the time she opened the door, Kass knew whatever Lesso had been reading was of no help; as she was nearly hit by a group of scrolls that whizzed past her head.

"What are you looking for now?" Kass asked as she gently closed the door behind her, before strolling over to the coffee table that was settled between two couches and placing the meal upon it.

"I'm trying to figure out how Rumpelstiltskin got the book," Lesso said as her head fell into her hands. "The woman said he got it from a trader who got it from a thief who got it from the original writer."

Kass began setting up the meal as she listened. "Well, have you figured out who the writer was? Or which book you're even looking for?"

Lesso slammed her fist into the table. "No!"

Kass tilted her head. "Okay," she said, trying to soothe the dean, "okay." She stood, walking over to the redhead's desk, placing her hand on her shoulder. "Let's take a break; you need to eat. If you're going to save your wife, you need the strength to do it."

Lesso huffed. "Fine," she grumbled as she stood, being ushered to the couch by her half-sister-in-law. She sat down with a plop, before looking at the meal. It was still hot, courtesy of magic; and she couldn't deny that it smelled amazing.

As she pulled the plate into her lap, Kass sat down on the opposite couch, settling herself into the cushions. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence that settled into the room. Kass simply stared with her blank white eyes at the dean, while Lesso ate her dinner.

"Leonora," Kass eventually said. "I hope you know you're not alone in this search to help Y/N. Dovey, Rumi, Emma, and myself are all searching as well. We all love her, and we don't want to see her fall to the blood magic either."

The redhead stopped eating for a moment, wiping her hands on her napkin before taking a sip from her goblet; which was filled with water for once. "I...I know," she said softly. "I just feel like this is all my fault."

"It's not," Kass said very firmly. "I need you to understand that it's not. None of us could've predicted this; not even Y/N. Not even me."

Lesso let her head fall back on the couch. "I just hate that she's alone..." she said as she thought. "I mean, if it's anything like when Rafal had control of me...she's probably terrified."

Kassandra nodded. "You shouldn't think about that right now, it's only going to make you feel worse."

The Dean of Evil chuckled. "It's a little hard to think about anything else."

The blonde tilted her head, "Then, we shall find something to distract you; if even for a moment. I'm not one for jokes or little quips...but I could certainly regale you with stories from my past, should that interest you."

Leonora looked at her half-sister-in-law. "You know...there is something that's been gnawing at me."

Kassandra shifted on the couch. "Oh?"

"How long had you known?" Lesso asked, as she pulled off a piece of her roll and popped it in her mouth. "That Y/N was your sister, I mean."

Kass let out a sigh. "I knew this question was eventually coming," she chuckled as she waved her hand and conjured a cup of tea. "I have known for quite awhile actually."

The Gift of Good and Evil: Bound By BloodWhere stories live. Discover now