A Blade is Good...

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With you, Lesso, and all the others worried about Sophie, the next two weeks flew by. The fairies had watched over her while sleeping, prepared to alert you and place Sophie in stasis upon any inkling that she was having a similar dream. But she didn't; she slept soundly every evening and by the time she stirred fully awake, the fairies had flown off to alert you she was fine.

It was Friday afternoon, and this week's dueling club was to be led by Professor Espada. He was very excited to teach the students about weapons. He had chosen several unusual ones to tell the students about that were outside the traditional swords, bows, and axes. Along several racks hung things like whips, maces, flails, spears, katanas, warhammers, scythes, and a variety of even stranger looking weapons. None of them were enchanted...yet. That was next week's lesson, with Lady Lesso.

Part of you might regret letting her run that.

"Alright everyone gather round," Rumi called as he ushered the students in close. "Today we're going to learn how to use less traditional weapons. And then next week, Lady Lesso will teach you how to add enchantments to them, in order to make them even more effective."

There were a variety of "oohs" and "aahs" that came from the crowd of students. Not every student enjoyed using weapons over magic, but combine the two...now that got their attention. 

Just as they had with Sahar's lesson, the professors all sat on the bleachers facing the students. Some were chatting amongst themselves, some were listening intently to what Rumi had to say, and others were grading papers.

Lesso watched carefully; making notes about how she could incorporate the weapons Rumi was using into next week's lesson.

"We can add a fire spell to that one, and a time glitch to this one, oh oh, and this one can use that concealment charm where it's stronger than it looks," she hummed to herself eagerly.

You looked from your stack of papers to your wife who was scribbling away in her notebook. You smiled to yourself and chuckled, before leaning over and kissing her temple. "Just remember that you need to dampen all those enchantments," you said softly. "We don't need anyone accidentally killing their partner while dueling."

"Mmhmm yeah," Lesso hummed absentmindedly as she continued making notes.

You shook your head and returned to your papers. That is until Professor Dovey stomped into the hall, wearing the most ridiculous outfit you'd ever seen.

The top half of her body looked as it normally did. Her hair was pinned up with a golden crown and jewels adorning it, her makeup was light and ethereal with pink and gold sparkles, and her top was a beautiful golden satin with puffed quarter sleeves, a lace trim, and a corset bodice. However, where her traditional bottom half of her gown would be, were what looked to be...pants.

"What are you wearing?" Anemone asked as she turned to look at the Dean of Good.

It looked as though her skirt had been sewn crudely together to make the bottom half of her dress look like pants.

"Ask her," she huffed as she glared at Lesso while sitting down, her pant legs puffing up and hitting her in the face. "She enchanted it."

Lesso, who had been focused on writing a moment ago, was now looking at Dovey with a satisfied smirk. "Me? What makes you think that I had anything to do with your terrible taste in clothing?" She let a soft low chuckle exit her lips. "I know how to pick a pair of flattering pants Clarissa. It's not my fault that you don't."

As their bickering continued, it remained just above a whisper. And thankfully, the students were so busy trying to learn everything they could about the weapons Rumi was presenting in front of them, that no one had really noticed Dovey's outfit.

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