The Fledgling & the Full Grown

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After lunch, given that you had a free afternoon, you decided to go visit the girl that Lesso had said was in the infirmary. As you strolled into the infirmary, you heard the young girl arguing  with the fairies.

"I said I'm fine, will you all just stop touching my hair, I can fix it myself!" She shouted, swatting them away.

"Knock knock," you said as you stepped inside the room. "Is there something I can help you with?"

The girl let out a sigh of relief as she saw you walk in. "Oh thank the gods, can you please get these pointy eared tree humpers to leave me alone for a minute?"

You smirked and crossed your arms as the fairies all looked at you, exasperated. "Give us a minute," you said gently. Rolling their eyes, the fairies all scattered off into different directions in the infirmary.

When they were finally gone, the young blonde haired girl grabbed the brush that had been dropped on the bed and began brushing out her hair. Parting it in the middle she quickly turned to face the mirror, making sure her blue streaks were even at the front of her face.

"Thanks," she muttered as she turned back toward you. As her gaze met yours, your eyes widened and you looked like you'd seen a ghost.

"S-something wrong Headmaster?" The young girl asked as she looked at your stunned expression. You shook yourself from your stupor.

"My apologies..." you paused, because you realized you didn't know her name.

"Cyna," the girl said. "My name is Cyna."

"Cyna," you repeated. "It's look extremely familiar; like someone I once knew."

Cyna smiled; a knowing smirk. "Oh?"

"Someone I went to school with...about 300 years ago." You sighed, a fond memory of her seeping into your mind.

"Would that person be Princess Odette?" Cyna asked, putting on her best princess smile.

You chuckled. "Actually, yes, that's exactly who I was thinking of. Are you related to her?"

The blonde nodded. "She's my great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother," Cyna explained.

You smiled. "Well, how wonderful. You know she was my best friend in the School for Good." A slurry of memories surrounded you at the thought of Odette. She was the closest friend you had in either school. And though you two had spent a steamy night or two together, it had never really moved beyond best friends. Your friendship had meant the world to both of you, and neither of you were willing to jeopardize it; especially since she didn't know you were of split magic.

"Yeah, I know all about how close you two were," Cyna remarked, indicating she knew something more than a student her age should.

"I'm sorry, what are you implying, child?" You asked her, your more authoritative tone coming forward.

The girl shrugged. "The story of how Odette and Odile got together is famous in my family, okay? You may not have realized it at the time, but you're the whole reason Odette married Odile instead of stupid Prince Derek."

You moved to sit down on the chair next to Cyna's bed. "I am?"

Cyna nodded. "Yep. Odette didn't realize her attraction to women until your little..." she paused when you gave her a raised eyebrow. "Anyway, apparently Odile had been fighting with some feelings towards Odette for a long time but didn't realize she had a chance until she heard from your never half that your ever half had slept with her. A bit after you all graduated, Odile confessed her feelings and the two of them struck up a secret relationship."

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