Switching Sides

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The following days were spent getting everyone re-acclimated to the school. Students had spent time putting classrooms back together, enjoying their friends, finishing their final assignments, and preparing for the Celebration of Talents.

Several of the professors had volunteered to help coordinate it; including a dance display from Pollux, a magical beasts display from Tauney, a sword and staff display from Emma and Rumi, and a potions and magical talents display from Sahar and the deans.

Each professor that was putting on a display picked several students they felt were showing incredible skill in their areas to take part; and at day's end on Friday, you would host as a secondary apology to the staff and students with both the Celebration of Talents and a dinner. You really did want them to know you felt guilty for what had happened.

Meanwhile, while all the students and teachers were preparing for that, you spent the week repairing the Castle for Good. You used it as part of your punishment. Several of your friends and even some of the students had offered to help you, but you had declined each and every offer.

The Castle for Good had taken you two days to fully repair and clean. Mainly because when the ceiling had caved in, it had invited all kinds of creatures into the building, who had made their home out of the empty classrooms.

The repairs had really only taken half a day or so; but the rest of the time had been trying to get all the creatures to vacate.


As you stepped out of the Castle for Good, a few feathers in your hair and scratches ripping your dress, you let out a sigh. It was about two in the afternoon on Thursday and you were definitely exhausted. While the students and teachers were preparing for the Celebration of Talents, you had been doing your best to prove to everyone that you felt terrible about what had happened and wanted to make up for it.

Your first decree as newly reinstated Headmaster had been to end all classes early. Students had to turn in the last of their assignments that had been given before the Shadow War, but no more assignments and tests would be given for the remainder of the school year.

Instead, you would be hosting group learning activities once every day; hosted by a different teacher each day, all consisting of fun activities like learning about the Stymphs with Professor Tauney, learning about magical artifacts with Professor Anemone, playing magical chess with Professors Espada and Nereyda, and so on. The students weren't required to go to any of these activities, but they were meant to be fun and somewhat educational without feeling like school.

"You look like you got your ass handed to you," Leonora hummed as you trudged into your bedroom a little after two, body falling onto the bed.

"Yeah...by birds," you muttered through the covers.

Your wife let out a chuckle. "Well...that's what you get for not letting anyone help you clean up the Castle for Good."

Turning your head, you looked at your wife, who was comfortably seated in the armchair by the window, sipping a glass of whiskey and reading her students' last assignments.

"I thought it would show everyone that I mean well," you grumbled as you watched your wife set her things down and come to standing, softly creeping toward you in her socked feet.

"Is that the only reason why you denied help?" She asked curiously as she plucked a few feathers from your hair.

You sighed. "I guess I still feel guilty...like I deserve some punishment."

The redhead hummed. "Y/N, starling, you have been dealt your punishment. We told you, probationary period and you've had certain duties revoked for the time being."

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