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"Leonora..." you whispered as you shuffled around your room, frantically throwing clothes, shoes, and accessories from your closet to your desk, in an attempt to put together an outfit.

You rushed into the bathroom, looking for the set of earrings you were wearing the day prior, and as you made your way back into your room, you realized your wife had not stirred from her original position.

"Nora, wake up!" You repeated, tapping her foot that lay untucked from the covers as you passed.

Lesso stirred slightly and moaned before speaking "Ugh...five more minutes."

You chuckled. "That's what you said ten minutes ago."

Leonora sighed and lifted the covers from over her head, her frizzy red hair spread wide across her pillow. She moved her head to face the direction you'd spoken from and finally opened her eyes to witness the chaos that had befallen your bedroom. As she blinked the sleep away, she saw you standing in front of the mirror, deciding between two outfits as you placed each of them in front of your loosely robed body.

She couldn't help but smile. "You know, you're cute when you're nervous," she said in her deep groggy morning voice. She rolled to face you, her head gently resting on her hand, the sheets draping her figure.

You turned to face her. "Which do you think?"

In front of you, you held out the two outfits for her to see. You watched as her eyes flicked from one to the other a few times.

One was a midnight blue outfit; a floor length gown with slits on either side to show the pants that were underneath. It was overlaid with a corset and had silver shoulder ornaments that flowed into a cape-like piece embedded with stars, similar to the outfit you wore to the Unification Ball the year prior. The other was a dark green; a jumpsuit with a skirt that flowed down the back and puffy sleeves, with a higher neckline and a cut out to show your collarbone. Though Lesso loved that jumpsuit on you, she pointed to the other outfit. "This is your first formal introduction as Headmaster; show them who you are, my starling."

You turned back toward the mirror placing the hanging outfit in front of you to get a sense of what you would look like in it. You then looked toward your desk, grabbing a few accessories and draping them over your shoulders, attempting to pick one that would work with the ensemble.

As you did, Lesso slowly rose from your bed, not attempting to cover her naked body in any way; she was your wife now after all, and had never been one to be shy. She strode behind you, placing her chin on your shoulder and wrapping her hands around your waist.

Without knowing you had been holding in a breath, you exhaled at her touch. She always knew just what to do to soothe you when you were anxious.

"My love," Lesso spoke softly. "You are going to be fine. You're stressing too much over this."

You turned to face her, still holding the outfit in your arms. "How can I not? This is huge! I'm about to take over as Headmaster of the School for Good and Evil. A job that has only ever been held by two brothers; and now is being held by one singular person....me! What if the professors don't approve? What if the students don't listen? What if I'm not...authoritative enough? I've only been at this school for a year...surely there are people more deserving...more qualified for this than me."

Lesso chuckled at your frazzled state. She cupped your cheeks in her hands as she lifted your gaze to meet hers. "Starling, Clarissa and I wouldn't have asked you to do this if we didn't think you'd be perfect for the job. Besides, you are more than prepared. In the single year you've been at this school, you've done more for it than the rest of the professors combined. And given that you are half ever and half never, you have a unique qualification that none of the rest of us have; it makes you the obvious choice for this role. You can do things as Headmaster of this school we cannot. You can bring balance and prove its importance without being biased towards one side or the other. Though we began unification last year...it truly begins here, now, with you."

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