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With Clarissa, Emma, and Rumi busy showing their mentee teachers around the castle grounds, it was up to you and Lesso, along with the rest of the professors, to welcome in the third years. You had decided to stagger the arrivals this year to allow the third years time to get their schedules and get settled before you all greeted the first years.

Everyone was returning this year, which was a great surprise to the deans, given how much had occurred during their first two years. Clarissa and Lesso had been sure someone would drop out or be forced to stay at home by their parents. But when the responses about returning students rolled in, they were shocked to learn all 32 would be returning...including the two readers.

As you made your way to the grand hall, your thoughts began to swirl.

How would this lot react to you becoming Headmaster?

Some of them already knew, like Hester, who you had told in private the day following your acceptance, as well as Sophie and Agatha. They had all been thrilled, but it wasn't them you were worried about.

"You need to relax my dear," Lesso cooed as she wrapped her hand in yours. "Your thoughts are much too loud."

You looked at her apologetically. "Sorry," you muttered as you let out a soft exhale. "I'm just nervous."

Nora stopped you in the hall, placing her hands on your shoulders, forcing you to look at her. "Have I ever told you about my first day as a dean?"

You shook your head.

Lesso chuckled as the memory floated to the surface of her mind. "I hate to admit this..." she said as she caught your gaze, "but I was utterly terrified."

Your eyes widened. "You? Terrified? That's unlike you," you said, as a small smirk settled on your face. 

Lesso shook her head. "I know. That's the point of the story dearest. Now shut up and let me tell it."

You let a little pout settle on your lips, but your wife simply smiled as she continued reminiscing.

"It was about 13 years ago..." she began as her eyes slightly glossed over. "I hadn't done much in my time outside school. For a while I worked for Rafal, but eventually he cast me aside and I'd fallen into a deep anger and rage. I terrorized a few villages and continued to hone my talents...until eventually it caught the eye of the previous deans. I was brought on to teach curses and death traps. Not long after, I was chosen by my predecessor to take over their role as the new Dean of Evil."

The redhead sort of chuckled at herself. "I was still young; only 27, and I had no idea what I was doing. I had been good at my job, being a teacher; but being the dean...I didn't know what that meant, what it entailed, or even if I was going to be evil enough to represent that side of our school. So I did something to give myself a little...confidence boost."

Her chuckle grew into a louder laugh. "I dyed my hair."

Your eyes grew wide, trying to picture your wife with anything other than the beautiful locks of fiery red that defined her. "What color?" You asked as an excited smile grew on your face.

"Black," she hummed as she pulled the memory forward in her mind. She summoned her finger glow, projecting the memory of her black hair to you. You let out a surprised sigh.

"You straightened it?" You asked as the memory played in your head.

Lesso laughed. "Yes...a stupid decision on my part; because my first day as dean it was pouring rain. Now you know normally that would thrill me, but what I'd failed to realize was that the potion I'd used to straighten my hair could be washed out if it got wet. So bits and pieces of it washed out as I made my way from the Castle of Evil to the main hall. By the time I made it to our new students to introduce myself as the new dean, my hair was sopping wet, kinking and coiling by the minute, and the black was fading in spots; so I looked like a crazy woman with half red, half black, half straight, half curly hair. It was atrocious."

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