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"Who could've done it?" Dovey asked.

"I don't know," you replied, as you carried Pollux with your magic toward the infirmary.

"Why would someone stab her?" Emma asked.

"I don't know," you replied again, getting slightly annoyed by all the questions.

"Is she going to be okay?" Tauney asked, as he and the rest of the professors rushed behind you.

"I don't know!" You shouted as your rage began to boil over.

I've got this, keep going, Leonora said in your mind. She stopped walking beside you and turned, lifting her cane to closeline the other professors.

"Look, Y/N is a little busy trying to save Pollux's life. You lot aren't helping with all your questions." She said as she stared them down.

"Dovey," she instructed, as she slowly lowered her cane. "Go with her."

Clarissa nodded and quickly sped off to catch up with you as you made your way to the infirmary down the hall.

"Emma, Rumi, you're with me," she directed. "The rest of you, gather the rest of the professors and get the students back to their dorms. Do a head count and report back to me. No one is to leave their room until all students and otherwise are accounted for."

The professors nodded and turned back toward the castle entrance, ready to gather the students.

"The three of us are going to go look at the garden," Lesso growled, her heels clicking angrily on the stone floor as she passed the remaining two professors.

Emma and Rumi nodded, frantically following behind the irritated woman.

I'm going to investigate the garden love, let me know when you know more about Pollux, Lesso said in your mind as she stalked off.

I will; be safe, you answered as you burst through the infirmary door.

You laid Pollux down on one of the beds. While you did, Dovey and several fairies flocked to the bed, watching as you assessed her injury.

"Merge your magic with mine," you instructed the group as you reached out toward the wound.

Dovey and the fairies all extended out their hands, allowing their magic to flow and mix with yours.

You ran your hand in small circles, willing the skin to pull closed around the wound.

"She's lost a lot of blood," Dovey whispered.

"Can you transfuse?" You asked as you continued your concentration to close the wound.

Clarissa nodded, moving one of her hands to graze up and down Pollux's body, guiding and duplicating her blood. It took several minutes of this before Dovey's worried expression started to settle.

"It's working," she said, as a grin inched up her face.

As sweat dripped down your brow, you smiled. "Excellent. Her wound is healing; but it's taking a lot longer than I had expected. Whatever stabbed her must've been enchanted."

"Enchanted with what?" Clarissa asked as she looked over to you.

"I'm not sure," you answered honestly. "But we will do our best to find out."

"How?" She asked curiously, as she continued to transfuse.

"Once she's healed, I'll see if I can assess any magical remnants," you looked toward Clarissa. "If not, I'll see if Kass can reach into the nether and get any sort of inkling of what happened."

The Gift of Good and Evil: Bound By BloodWhere stories live. Discover now