The Siege of Camelot

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As Arthur stepped out onto the balcony, he let out a sigh. He would never admit this to anyone else, but he was nervous. He knew what kind of power you possessed before; and with blood magic, it was going to be nearly impossible to stop you.

As your shadow army made their way into the castle grounds, you held up your hand to stop them. The whole army came to a halt; those holding your palanquin, letting you down. As you stepped off of it, the palanquin disappeared, the four carriers retreating back into the group as you walked forward to the front.

You walked confidently toward the castle, your heels digging into the dirt as you led your army. You could see the castle from a distance, and around it, several dozen Camelot soldiers.

"Oh Arthur..." you hummed to yourself. "You shouldn't have."

Meanwhile, the students ran about in the castle; third years searching for their first year buddies and making their way toward their battle stations. Dovey had quickly assigned everyone to an area, stationed behind the four groups of guards that were outside the castle walls. If the students remained near the guards, engaged with the shadow army, then you would be drawn past them in search of Lesso, and they would at least be safe from you.

Sophie, Hester, and Agatha went in search of their buddies. The inside of the castle was like chaos; students running to get ahold of the weapons from Rumi and Anemone who had brought them out. Some were also arming themselves with potions from Sahar and Manely or magical creatures from Tauney and Nereyda.

"Where the hell is Garreth?" Sophie huffed as she looked around. Orusla, Orobas, and Esme had already made their way to them.

"He went to help Tedros and Stellan at the front gate," Orobas said as he grabbed a flail from the weapons rack.

"Well then, you're with me, demon boy," Sophie hummed as she armed herself with an axe.

Orobas nodded, a sinister smile on his face. "Let's send these shadows back to the depths of hell."

Orusla smiled, "Awe! Sounds like home!'

After the rest of them grabbed weapons, they made their way toward the west side of the castle. Hester and Sophie were glad they had been paired together, though Lesso was hesitant to not have Sophie with Kass and herself...given that you now knew you were related.

"How are we going to get Y/N to come to us directly?" Kass asked as she, Rumi, Anemone, Tauney, and Sahar followed Dovey and Lesso into the main office on the top floor.

"Baiting her," Dovey answered. "Lesso is going to use the mind connection."

Kass's eyes widened. "You are?" She asked, directing her gaze toward Lesso.

Leonora nodded. "It'll only be for a second...but it'll be enough."

As they made their way into the main office, they did their best to fortify it. You were going to make it in easy, but they didn't want a ton of you shadows following you in.

"Lesso, are you sure about this plan?" Rumi asked as he laid a hand on her shoulder. He could tell she was nervous, her gaze falling to her hand that held the necklace tightly.

"We don't have another option," she sighed as she looked toward him. "This has to work."

"It'll work," Kass said as she came up on the other side of her. "We'll save her...don't worry."

Lesso smiled, but it was half hearted. She didn't feel right about the whole thing. And she was still trying to come to grips about being immortal.

But she didn't have time to worry about that now. Now, she had a job to do.

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