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One month later

The cuffs had done their job. A month had passed and you still had not woken from your coma; nor had the blood magic succeeded in completely taking over. The school had remained as you'd left it. Silent and deserted, but still somewhat intact. The Castle for Good wasn't completely destroyed, though it did have a few holes and crumbled structures. The tower and the Castle for Evil remained virtually untouched.

However, it almost felt eerie how empty the school grounds were. Dust had begun to cover the desks, critters and creatures had found their way inside the Castle for Good, the magic that was built into the grounds was left stagnant; and because the magic had no purpose...the color that made the school feel so lifelike had begun to fade. Anyone who came upon the school, completely unknowing of how long ago it had been abandoned, might think it had been empty for hundreds of years; even though it was mere weeks ago that the students and professors had evacuated.

Though technically, the school wasn't exactly empty. You remained chained in the Doom Room and Storian still resided in the Legacy Library of the tower. Though she could've left alongside the deans and students, she saw no need; as you'd almost immediately chosen to protect everyone else by putting yourself in a coma when the blood magic began taking over. Because of this, she saw no reason to leave the comfort of her home. still were the Headmaster, despite being corrupted; you needed her more than the rest of them did. And, of course, she already knew how this part of your story was fated to end.

Meanwhile, the rest of the students, professors, and staff had finally settled in Camelot. King Arthur had been more than willing to let the school take over their abandoned castle; which had, besides needing a little dusting, been perfect for them to commence classes.

Following the evacuation, the deans had taken over your job once more. It was helpful that they'd had to do it the year prior, so it wasn't too bad of a transition back. Though, despite only being Headmaster for half a year, your absence was definitely felt. Students and teachers alike were left dumbfounded, heartbroken, and distraught about the recent events.

The deans had explained to the school what happened. No student was left in the dark about the blood magic taking over. They wanted to assure both the students and professors that you were not at fault for your actions. It was imperative to both Lesso and Dovey that your reputation remained intact; in case this was ever resolved and you returned to being the Headmaster once more.

The few days following the evacuation had been dedicated to the entire student body and staff preparing the castle for school. They'd taken the time to figure out dorming, classrooms, what classes could be offered at what times, and things of that nature. Since the winter semester had only a few weeks left, they had decided to give the students those remaining weeks off to adjust; though truthfully, they had needed that time to adjust too.

It had been a shocking and stressful turn of events. In a mere few weeks, Pollux had been stabbed by Tedros, who was supposedly being corrupted; then you were stabbed by him, to which the magic corrupting him transferred to you; and then the magic began corrupting you...until you attacked the school, unable to stop yourself.

Everyone was left with more questions than answers, and no one felt as if they knew exactly what was going on. Of course, Kass, Lesso, Dovey, Sophie, and Tedros had all sat down and talked through things, trying to make as much sense of the entirety of the situation as they could.

During their discussion, they had come up with many theories; such as why the blood magic had chosen you as it's host. Tedros had mentioned that the black outs had actually started a lot earlier than everyone originally thought. Tracing back that time, Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey realized that it was not long after you and Tedros had your first duel, the duel in which he had sliced your cheek with Excalibur and your eyes had turned red, that his blackouts had started. Since Tedros confirmed that the blood magic was waiting in limbo in Excalibur, as it had been since Agatha had sliced Rafal with it, their theory was that during that duel, the blood magic had gotten it's first taste of how powerful you were; and had likely been trying to find it's way back to you this entire time. 

The Gift of Good and Evil: Bound By BloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon