Chapter 26: The Devil Has No Horns

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Mike was completely useless to me. I trailed behind him, bombarding him with a barrage of inquiries: "What was the reason behind his capture?" "Why didn't you take any action to safeguard your own sibling?"... My questions seemed to pour out endlessly. I didn't even give him a chance to respond. However, the frustrating part was that he didn't even attempt to be of any assistance. He didn't address a single one of my queries or make any effort to soothe my worries. It's as if he's an entirely different person.

He treated me with such disdain as if I were a piece of broccoli on a child's plate. I felt so small and isolated, and to make matters worse, he left me with a whirlwind of questions and uttered something that left me utterly perplexed: "We only get what we deserve." It was completely out of character for him to speak so calmly and composedly. His step-brother and best friend is being arrested, and yet he already believes he deserves such a terrible fate.

I used to believe we were close friends, but now he may harbor some strong resentments towards me, maybe even more than if I were his enemy.

It was heartbreaking to see Mike betray his closest friend and brother. I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy for the bond and chemistry they shared. It's astonishing how time can change people, causing them to abandon even their loved ones, the ones they once considered family.

Before I started pointing fingers at Mike, I decided to take the stairs and sprint as fast as I possibly could. My only desire was to catch a glimpse of Sam one last time before they separated us. I exerted every ounce of energy in me to run at top speed, but unfortunately, it wasn't sufficient. The car sped away, leaving me unable to catch up.

I attempted to hail a taxi, but it appears that there are no taxis or any means of transportation in this city. Consequently, I thought of checking if I could book an Uber right away. However, I left my phone behind, so I had to go back upstairs to retrieve it. It was at that moment that I realized that I also didn't have any money. Hence, I had to go back and collect my belongings before I could depart.

Levi, one of our colleagues, is actually the team manager in the writing department. Just as I was about to enter through the door, he suddenly pulled over and honked a few times, catching my attention. With a friendly wave, he called me over and asked me to join him.

In that instant, my thoughts were consumed by Sam. I had an overwhelming desire to reach him, to catch a glimpse of him, and to unravel the mystery surrounding the situation. My mind was flooded with a surge of ideas, like a brilliant supernova. They were scattered everywhere, yet nowhere to be found.

 As I hopped into the car, Levi remained quiet throughout the entire journey. I felt grateful that he was so understanding. However, deep down, I wondered if he truly was. But in the end, it didn't really matter as long as I had some peace of mind.

I demanded to know the reason for his arrest, but the officer remained tight-lipped, which only fueled my frustration even more.

"Ma'am, you're not legally related to him, and you're not his lawyer," he said in a high-pitched tone, but trying to calm me.

" I'm his fiancé, so I really need to know. I have to know," I said calmly, compared to how frustrated I was.

Timothy arrived at his own pace, making me feel desperate, disoriented, and willing to do whatever it took to overcome this challenge and endure the current circumstances. The sensation of defeat, incompetence, and being the vulnerable part of the equation was something I detested.

Right now, I have a strong desire to become a lawyer. I long to be in a position where I can fight and overcome any obstacles that come our way. However, I find myself feeling weak and vulnerable, like a dying prey or a weakened soldier, unable to stand confidently in front of my enemy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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