Chapter 17: That awkward moment

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He smiled back at me sincerely. He was very welcoming, and I'm grateful for that. The idea of meeting him felt overwhelming; he was a total stranger. Eva may be one of my new acquaintances, possibly my only one, but I barely know her, let alone her son whom I am meeting for the first time. However, I believe I am making a positive impression. I think I have done so, at least up to this point.

I turned to Eva and looked at her round face, with strands of hair falling on her smooth cheeks. I could see my reflection in her skin. Her face was filled with joy.

"I'm curious. Do you have any other children that you haven't mentioned?" I asked as my curiosity was at its peak.

Her lips formed a genuine smile as she was delighted by my curiosity. She nodded gently and acknowledged my foolish question. I found it quite strange that a woman of her age never mentioned her beloved children. Not the usual proud mother, but I suppose people do things differently, and I actually admire Eva for being discreet about her life.

She didn't have to answer my silly question, but she's too kind not to. She knows it, and I know it. All she did, though, was tease me for a bit and refer to me as her new daughter. However, she also mentioned that she has a younger daughter and expressed her warm welcome for me to become part of their family.

Trevor broke his prolonged silence. "Eleane is her biological daughter, and I'm adopted, and her favorite," he finished his huge revelation with a wink. Eva chuckled silently, or at least tried to. I, on the other hand, was surprised, how could I not be, this was news to me, unexpected ones. However, I couldn't help but smile. It wasn't forced, but it felt strange. I felt that smiling about this was the last thing I should be doing, but what do I know?

I didn't expect such bluntness or such intimate and private matters to be brought up to me the first time I met him. It was the last thing I would have thought of, but it didn't amaze me that much. Now that I think of it, Eva was a gentle soul and a kind woman. She was the person who was prepared to sacrifice her time and resources for the greater good she believed in. It's something I would like to have in myself, a belief in humanity.

I don't think I have anything to add. This was a significant event for me to be a part of, but I believe that remaining silent might come across as awkward or make them think that I am surprised or shocked by the news. I am affected, I won't deny it. I was somewhat stunned, not by the nature of the news, but by the timing. "It's not blood that binds people, but their spirits," I stated, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. I wasn't trying to be compassionate or empathetic, but I truly believe that motherhood or any other relationship goes beyond shared blood. As the saying goes, "blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." Many factors contribute to a strong bond beyond simply being related by blood.

It has always fascinated me how easily people can come to love someone they may consider a stranger. In reality, no one is truly a stranger. We are all part of one huge family, originating from the same source and sharing the same ancestors. Although the branches of this enormous family tree may have spread far and wide. At the end of the day, we are all part of the same species and must support one another if we want to survive and thrive in this life.

"I've always felt fortunate to have had the best parents a child could ever wish for," he said while making space for the waiter to place a plate on the table. Eva, on the other hand, had a look of longing in her eyes. It was clear that she was filled with joy. She exclaimed, "I have the most amazing children in the world!" Her voice was filled with excitement and with a hint of nervousness I opened up, "I wish my parents had adopted a sibling for me. I was an only child, and having a sibling wouldn't have been the worst thing that could have happened." Although I had been thinking about this for a long time, it was the first time I had actually voiced it out loud.

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