Chapter 18: The one that got away

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Trev and I bid Eva a good night and watched her drive away. I came to realize no one was interested in the pecan pie. We anxiously awaited any opportunity to skip dessert altogether. Afterward, we made our way to the car that I had parked a little further away since I couldn't find an available spot earlier. We walked in silence, resembling two marching zombies.

The tension between us was palpable, matching my nervousness. I could sense the overwhelming anxiety emanating from both of us. I, for one, couldn't help but feel on edge. As we walked, Trev trailed slightly behind me, with what seemed to be a whole step for me, but only half for him.

It wasn't too long until we reached our first destination. We entered the car, and I started driving. I felt as if we were sinking into silence, so I tried to turn the music on. Trev intervened in my attempt to fill the awkward emptiness and said, "You don't need to disturb this fancy silence. It is a rarity nowadays." I thought he was feeling the same awkwardness as I did, but apparently, he liked it. "Alright then, let's enjoy the tranquility of the night. " I said enthusiastically. 

"I wanted to apologize for earlier. My mother is quite traditional, and she wants me to find someone and start a family as soon as possible," he said with a hint of defeat. "It's not necessarily a bad thing, you know! She just wants you to have someone who will care about you as much as she does," I replied, letting out a joyful chuckle. Eva's happiness was contagious! I could feel the overflowing positive energy, even though it wasn't typically me. That's the sole reason I decided to come here and see her. Only ended up here.

"I understand, but it feels forced," he added. I can see where he's coming from, but I believe he is exaggerating. From my perspective, Eva has always been caring towards everyone around her. It's not like she can compel him to date someone. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. He took a moment to contemplate, then said, "It's not the first time she's tried to set me up with a girl of her choosing." Even though I have repeatedly told her that a relationship is not my current priority, she cannot seem to stop being restless. She keeps putting me in awkward situations with strangers. No offense to you."

"Non taken" I replied as soon as he finished his monologue. It was clear he had a lot of bottled-up feelings, and was genuinely upset with her. Although I don't fully understand their dynamic, I think there's just a misunderstanding going on between them.

"Don't be too harsh on her; after all, she's your mother " I added, "Doesn't she know you already have a boyfriend?" he asked with a hint of pleading in his voice, I looked at him for a quick second, his face showed a deep fear of betrayal, I'm not sure what he's thinking, his question came out of nowhere, but it was inevitable, this is how he's telling me that he has met Sam the other day, and may have interacted with each other. "Well, in fact, I don't but I'd like to think I am", this was an honest answer, I didn't try to hide my deception or anything, but it's a fact.

"What do you mean?" He asked, pausing the inquiry, "Then who was the guy who came to pick you up the other day?" He surely wanted to know more, then asked out of courtesy, but the interest was evident. "If you don't mind me asking?" who would have thought that Trev, the hottest of the hotties, would ever be interested in my love life? Life truly works mysteriously. "He's someone I like," I simply replied. 

"Ah, so you're still in the early stages of getting to know each other!" he added, "No, we're past that, but it's complicated," I clarified, hoping he wouldn't ask any further questions. "Well I believe you deserve someone who doesn't make things difficult to explain," he stated, and he is right, can't argue with that, however, it's my fault, I'm the one complicating things. "And so does he!" I said as I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

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