Chapter 05: A Storm Of Gravity

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"So he said to me "I continued telling the story, and the scene came back to me, like it just happened, feeling the trembling of his voice causing my body and the surroundings.

"You like that book, huh" I turned to find the source of the voice, my vision was blurry because of my teary eyes, I replied "Yes!" trying to hide my cranky broken crying voice, with a fake cough trying to clear my throat. 

He chuckled, "I wonder what made you cry though," he continued. " But let's not deny that the books have a few incidents that would at least get you into your feelings." 

I wiped my teary eyes, and Dear Lord his voice definitely doesn't give him justice, I think I just met Ares or Thor, Sam has this Greek God look that I can't unsee and clothes make it a bit subtle, but when he's freed of his clothes, I can swear that he's body was created to be worshiped.

I tried to play it cool, so I asked him, "You're a fan?" pointing at the book.

He chuckled, "Oh yeah 'A Storm Of Swords' is one of those books you can't describe, the whole 'A Song of Ice and Fire' books are indescribable and that's the charm of it "

I nodded "So Joffrey died, and Tywin is blaming his own son for it, and I felt his sorrow and anger during his trial."

"If you haven't seen the show, that speech was upgraded to perfection," he added.

"I wanted to see it after I read the books so that it doesn't ruin them for me"

"Smart choice"

A silence grows between us that seems awkward at first but is getting soothing by the second, I got used to it at some point.

I checked my phone and it was ten minutes to 5 pm I got my book in my bag, stood up, and waved at him "Nice to meet you stranger" he waved back and said "Same here".

I walked to a Baduk club, technically it's a chess club but since Baduk is barely known in this side of the world, we had to share and be part of the chess club. 

I was ignorant about the existence of this game as well until I took an exchange student program last year to South Korea where I learned about Asian culture, I mastered eating with chopsticks now, and I picked up playing from a neighbor who was the sweetest grandpa I've ever met.

He had a very sweet family, his wife was this graceful beautiful woman, she's someone I look up to, they both treated me like I was part of their family which is really something I'm still thankful for to this day.

Back then I felt like an outcast there especially outside campus where most students who approached me were in for a language exchange and honestly helped me to learn Korean but I never felt welcomed as a person.

Now I think it's just my anxiety and how much I was worrying that I might be disrespectful to the culture due to my ignorance, and this fear made me distant I was feeling like I was a victim but in reality, I was victimizing myself in the situation.

Anyways, NamHyung grandpa and JiAh grandma had two kids whom I met twice once during Chinese New Year, and the second time, their daughter had a new baby, and I was present like a family member.

They still check on me from time to time, and so do I. And those calls make me reminisce about those days. So I went looking for a club, to give my memories a chance would live on.

I arrived at the Club, which is actually called Weiqi Club ( the Baduk board game had a different name in every country in West Asia; Baduk is the Korean name, and Weiqi is the Chinese name ) since the founders are Chinese.

We have a tournament we're trying for nationals and I trained a little bit a few weeks prior, probably not enough, but I hope I don't need all my tactics for today.

Entering the door I met Eva at the reception desk, with her usual smile, and well-put-together outfit, her general look gives off this a businesswoman.

I entered the room Eva assigned to me, it was more crowded than usual but the vibe was still the same, most players were actually Asian people in their forties, a few kids as well and I rarely saw other ethnicities. It's understandable since it's not that famous outside of Asia.

I played against two men and then a seven-year-old who was a tough opponent but I made it to the club team and I'm part of the city team now.

I went to the other room, it was unusually noisy, presuming from the poses that whenever the players made a move the crowd seemed to lose it.

The room was large but people were surrounding one table, I tried to get a good place among the audience so I could peek at the game going on.

The placement of the stones was very critical, and I get the hype now; I try to squeeze in so I have a better view, and finally I have a satisfying view and the game was intense.

One of the players was oddly familiar, but I didn't give it a thought, we made minimal noise because the players needed every piece of their attention to play.

I glanced again at the familiar face and it hit me is this the Ares guy, It was Sam playing, the guy who just saw me tearing up; IT IS HIM.

 I asked a lady who was next to me," Do you know them? " Hoping to get some gossip

She said without looking at me " The hot guy is my husband, the other guy joined our team a few months ago " She said to her husband "You can get him hun" In response he blew a kiss to her.

And at that moment, Sam the Greek god, was just the Greek god but little did I know ..

He looked up at the lady, and his eyes were directly switched to my direction, he was surprised at first then his facial to a more friendly expression his lips curled into a smile, and winked at me.

And that made my lips automatically draw a smile on my face. which made me realize the effect he had on me; my mind played a voiceover that said, "It was at this moment that he knew, he fucked up." 

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